This bot asks you questions about coding. Bot:
/quiz [langName]: Send quiz. langName available values; javascript, python, rust. (Optional)
/results: Send top five scorer.
Question folder structure;
|- quiz
|-- langName
|---- questionName
|------ conf.json
|------ code
langName is available; javascript, python, rust
questionName is keyword for question.
You don't need create a png file. Bot automatically create code.png file.
"name": "typeof_string",
"question": "What is the result?",
"options": [
"correctAnserId": 0,
"lang": "en",
"level": "low"
name: Unique question name.
question: is question :)
options: question option string array.
correctAnswerId: Options array index number for correct answer.
lang: Natural language key code.
level: Question level. Available values; low, mid, high
You can send a pull request to add a new question.