' CodeWars_Katas
CodeWars is a website that gives you many little programming tasks in varying difficulties.
CodeWars uses a ranking system in the style of japanese martial arts. In line with this analogy the little programming tasks are called katas, deriving from the japanese term for small choreographies in martial arts.
Similar to the ranks in japanese martial arts, the programming tasks are assigned to "kyus" which simply translates to "ranks" in english, starting from 9 for the easiest up to 1 for the most demanding task.
The user also gets assigned a certain kyu in depending on the kyus of the tasks he has solved in the past.
After a tasks is solved (or surrendered on), the user can see solutions from other users that are reviewed and evaluated in regards to readability, simplicity and algorithmic complexity.
In this Repository I will upload solutions to katas that I completed. I finished several katas in C, java and python, but for now I will mainly upload my python katas, since that is my main focus at the moment.
The name of the katas is the same as used on CodeWars (without the underscore and the Kata), so if you want to compare my solutions to those from other users or best practices you can easily do that.
The taskdescription is written as a comment below the code in the .py files.
If you want to check out my other katas my username on CodeWars is Kintaro777.