ASP.NET Web API example with MySQL database connection and simple html client for API consume
For testing purposes there is already a MySQL available at with username root, password root and database name 'gamma' (you can connect to it with any client)
Or you can run your own with docker (for example): docker run --name temp-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -p 3316:3306 -d mysql:5.6 (or any other tag) Then edit the credentials in appsettings.json file in visualstudio (and rebuild).
For testing purposes there is already a container running at (it's currently connected to mysql).
Or you can run the project from visualstudio and test it locally (http://localhost:5000) Remember to change the api url at the beginning of the html client file
api/user (get: list of all users from the 'user' table) api/user/{guid} (get: the user corresponding to the guid parameter)
Just curl the API: curl or use the html client provided
To build your custom image run the following command in the root of the project: docker build --no-cache -t yourusername/gamma:latest .
To push it in your registry (docker hub in this example): docker push yourusername/gamma:latest
To run it in your environment: docker run -d -p 8085:80 --name gamma yourusername/gamma:latest