This repo contains my preferred settings and configuration files for different tools I use for daily development work.
The linux folder contains some of the scripts I use daily, when working in a Linux environment.
I have gathered the typical APT packages I use in a packages.txt file. You can use the xargs cmd to read the packages.txt file and input it to the apt cmd
$ xargs sudo apt-get -y install < packages.txt
Download Nerd fonts from:
Personally, I use the following fonts:
- JetBrainsMono
- FiraMono
For details check out:
- Download & install starship binary
curl -sS | sh
- Add the starship init script at the end of your shell's config file
# ~/.bashrc
eval "$(starship init bash)"
- Copy starship.toml from starship folder in this repo to the .config folder in your home directory