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Yes, you always wanted to have a Bubble Bobble arcade board at home. First you couldn't get it because your parents somehow did not understand you. Then you grow up and your wife doesn't understand you either. Don't worry, MiST(er) is here to the rescue.
I hope you will have as much fun with it as I had it while making it!
In chronological order:
- Tokio (Scrambled Formation)
- Bubble Bobble
Note that Tokio hangs up after a life is lost if the RBF is compiled without sound.
Set mode to Japanese and test on to enter the test screen. Press 1P start to advance to the input and sound test screen.
Sound codes for music
Sound Code | Music |
7 | intro + main theme |
8 | credits |
9 | Super drunk |
10 | Bonus |
11 | Game over |
15 | hurry theme |
16 | Extend |
20 | Real ending |
On MiSTer keyboard control is configured through the OSD.
For MiST and MiSTer: games can be controlled with both game pads and keyboard. The keyboard follows the same layout as MAME's default.
F3 Game reset
P Pause
1,2 1P, 2P start buttons
5,6 Left and right coin inputs
cursors 1P direction
CTRL 1P button 1
ALT 1P button 2
space 1P button 3
R,F,G,D 2P direction
Q,S,A 2P buttons 3,2 and 1
Use the MRA files available in the rom/mra folder. MRA files are the recommended way. Use the MRA-to-ROM converter from Sebdel if your device does not accept MRA files natively.
For MiST copy the file core.rbf to the SD card at the root directory. Copy also the rom you have generated with the name JTGNG.rom. It will get loaded at start. Make sure to have a recent version of MiST/SiDi firmware.
The FPGA clone uses the following modules:
JT12: For YM2203 sound synthesis. From the same author. JTFRAME: A common framework for MiST(er) arcades. From the same author. T80: originally from Daniel Wallner 6801: unknown author
Use git clone --recurse-submodules
in order to get all submodules when you clone the repository.
I use linux as my development system. This means that I use many bash scripts, environment variables and symbolic links. I recommend using linux to compile the cores.
- Linux
- Quartus 13 for MiST/SiDi compilation
- Quartus 17 for MiSTer compilation
- Add the path to quartus_sh to your PATH environment variable if JTCORE cannot automatically find it
- PNG library for Python
Go to the root directory of the repository and execute: source
That will create an alias called jtcore to directory modules/jtframe/bin/jtcore. This is a command line utility that will compile the cores. Like
jtcore bubl
will compile Ghosts'n Goblins for MiST.
jtcore bubl -mr
will compile it for MiSTer. And -sidi, will compile it for MiST. Support for Xilinx platforms is done by Neurorulez and is done through the GUI. Just check the files inside the cores folder for each game.
Pnce compilation is triggered with jtcore, Quartus qpf and qsf files are created. This files are not part of the repository as they are considered output files, not input.
There is another script called that will run jtcore over all supported cores in parallel.
Jose Tejada Gomez. Twitter @topapate Project is hosted in License: GPL3, you are obligued to publish your code if you use mine
Thank you to June 2020 patrons for supporting this development and especially to:
Alonso J. Núñez Filip Kindt Michael Fuerst Andrea Chiavazza Francis B Michael Yount Andreas Micklei Frank Hoedemakers Mike Jegenjan Andrew Boudreau Gavin Mike Parks Andy Palmer Greg Nailbomb Angelo Kanaris Gregory Val natalie Anthony Monaco HFSPlay Neil St Clair atrac17 Human0Target Nico Stamp Ben Toman hyp36rmax Paweł Mandes Bob G Jesse Clark Richard Eng Brent Fraser W. Johan Smolinski Richard Murillo Carrboroman Justin D'Arcangelo SNIPERMikeUK Clinton Cronin Keith Duncan Spank Minister Daniel Estreito KnC Stephen Goldberg Darren Wootton Lee Osborne Steven Yedwab David Fleetwood Luc JOLY taal.M David Jones Magnus Kvevlander Thomas Irwin DrMnike Matthew Woodford Trifle Eric J Faulkes M. Penkert-Hennig VickiViperZabel Fabio Michelin Michael Deshaies Victor Bly XC-3730C
Thank you all!
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