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Releases: KinsonDigital/kd_clients

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.14

15 Oct 11:06
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.14

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, so your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #85 - Added a new function with the name getAllBranches() to the GitClient class that returns all git branches.
  2. #83 - Added a new function named getAllReleases() the ReleaseClient class.
    • This will return all releases for a GitHub repository.
  3. #78 - Added the following functions to update a release in the ReleaseClient class.
    • updateReleaseById()
    • updateReleaseByTag()

Enhancements 💎

  1. #82 - Created a new type with the name State to represent the state of an issue or pull request. Updated the state property type to this new type in the IssueModel and PullRequestModel types.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #91 - Fixed a bug where the fileExists() function in the RepoClient class was reporting the incorrect result.

Breaking Changes 🧨

  1. #84 - Refactored parameters with the name branchName to ref in the following functions in the RepoClient class:
    • getFileContent()
    • fileExists()
  2. #77 - Introduced the following breaking changes by renaming the functions below:
    • Renamed the function milestoneExists() to exists in the MilestoneClient class
    • Renamed the function labelExists() to exists in the LabelClient class
    • Renamed the function pullRequestExists() to exists in the PullRequestClient class
    • Renamed the function openPullRequestExists() to openExists in the PullRequestClient class
    • Renamed the function closedPullRequestExists() to closedExists in the PullRequestClient class
    • Renamed the function issueExists() to exists in the IssueClient class
    • Renamed the function openIssueExists() to openExists in the IssueClient class
    • Renamed the function closedIssueExists() to closedExists in the IssueClient class
    • Renamed the function repoVariableExists() to variableExists in the RepoClient class
    • Renamed the function tagExists() to exists in the TagClient class
    • Renamed the function packageWithVersionExists() to exists in the NuGetClient class
    • Removed the packageExists() function in the NuGetClient class
    • Changed the exists() function parameter version to an optional parameter in the NuGetClient class

Dependency Updates 📦

  1. #88 - Upgraded to deno v2.0.0.
  2. #86 - Updated kinsondigital/infrastructure action to v14.0.0.

Technical Debt 🧽

  1. #77 - Renamed client functions to simplify and reduce verbosity of API.

Configuration 🛠️

  1. #79 - Setup kd_client.
  2. #72 - Migrated the project from denoland to JSR.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.13

21 May 18:30
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.13

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #74 - Fixed a bug with getting issues when filtering with labels.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.12

15 May 16:07
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.12

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #69 - Fixed an issue where getting assets with the ReleaseClient after downloading assets with the ReleaseClient would cause an error with incorrect media types.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.11

15 May 14:47
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.11

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #65 - Added the following functions to the ReleaseClient:
    • Added the function named assetExists to check if a single release asset exists.
    • Added the function named deleteAsset to delete a single asset from a release.
    • Added the function named uploadAsset to upload a single asset to a release.

Breaking Changes 🧨

  1. #65 - Introduced the following breaking changes:
    • Changed the parameter type for the uploadAssetsByReleaseName function filePaths from string | string[] to string[].
    • Changed the parameter type for the uploadAssetsByReleaseTag function filePaths from string | string[] to string[].

Other 🪧

  1. #63 - Improved release process.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.10

15 May 11:50
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.10

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, so your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #9 - Added an error type named AuthError.

  2. #53 - Added a new data model named AssetModel to represent a release asset.

  3. #53 - Added a new property named assets to the ReleaseModel.type.

  4. #53 - Added the following functionality to the ReleaseClient:

    • A new function named getReleaseById was added to get a release using a release ID.
    • A new function named getReleaseByTag was added to get a release using a release tag.
    • A new function named getAllAssetsByTag was added to get all release assets using a release tag name.
    • A new function named getAsset was added to get a single asset from a release using a combination of the release ID or tag and the asset ID or tag.
    • A new function named getReleaseByName was added to return a release that matches a release name.
    • A new function named uploadAssetsByReleaseName was added to upload assets to a release that matches a release name.
    • A new function named uploadAssetsByReleaseTag was added to upload assets to a release that matches a release tag.
    • A new function named downloadAssetById was added to download a single asset using an asset ID.
    • A new function named downloadAllAssetsByReleaseName was added to download all release assets using a release name.
    • A new function named downloadAllAssetsByReleaseTag was added to download all release assets using a release tag.
    • A new function named getLatestRelease was added to get the latest release.

Enhancements ✨

  1. #9 - Updated all clients to check for authentication issues.
    • These will now throw an AuthError if authentication has failed.

Breaking Changes 🧨

  1. #9 - Introduced the following breaking changes:

    • Changed the name of the 'toReleaseBy' parameter to tagOrTitle for the uploadAssets() function in the ReleaseClient class.
    • Moved the XError type from the GitHubClients.Errors.mod.ts file to the OtherClients.Errors.mod.ts file.
    • Moved the NuGetError type from the GitHubClients.Errors.mod.ts file to the PackageClients.Errors.mod.ts file.
    • Refactored the getPullRequests() function return type from Promise<[PullRequestModel[], Response]> to Promise<PullRequestModel[]> in the PullRequestClient class.
    • Refactored the getIssues() function return type from Promise<[IssueModel[], Response]> to Promise<IssueModel[]> in the IssueClient class.
    • Refactored the getOwnerRepos() function return type from Promise<[RepoModel[], Response]> to Promise<RepoModel[]> in the RepoClient class.
    • Changed the name of the getOwnerRepos() function to getAllRepos().
    • Refactored the getTags() function return type from Promise<[TagModel[], Response]> to Promise<TagModel[]> in the TagClient class.
    • Refactored the getWorkflowRuns() function return type from Promise<[WorkflowRunModel[], Response]> to Promise<WorkflowRunModel[]> in the WorkflowClient class.
  2. #53 - Introduced the following breaking changes:

    • Removed the getRelease function from the ReleaseClient.
         - This has been replaced by the new function named getReleaseByName.
    • Removed the uploadAssets function from the ReleaseClient.
         - The uploadAssetsByReleaseName function has replaced this.
    • The GitHub token parameter for the ReleaseClient was changed from optional to required.
    • Removed the ReleaseOptions interface.

Dependency Updates 📦

  1. #58 - Updated the following deno standard modules:
    • Updated exists from 0.203.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated extname from 0.203.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated existsSync from 0.203.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated walkSync from 0.203.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated ensureDirSync from 0.203.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated basename from 0.203.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated isAbsolute from 0.203.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated decodeBase64 from 0.203.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated encodeBase64 from 0.203.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated assert form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated assertEquals form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated assertThrows form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated assertRejects form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated equal form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated assertSpyCall form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated assertSpyCalls form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated spy form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated stub form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated returnsNext form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0
    • Updated returnsArg form 0.204.0 to 0.224.0

Other 🪧

  1. #51 - Fixed an issue with the release process regarding sending release tweets.
  2. #40 - Fixed an issue in the release process to properly close milestones.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.9

21 Mar 10:16
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.9

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Dependency Updates 📦

  1. #44 - Updated softprops/action-gh-release action to v2.0.0
  2. #41 - Updated kinsondigital/infrastructure action to v13.6.3

Other 🪧

  1. #46 - Replaced chalk internal npm package
    • This has been done to remove any dependencies on npm to make it easier to use and vendor.
  2. #45 - Replaced twitter internal npm package
    • This has been done to remove any dependencies on npm to make it easier to use and vendor.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.8

01 Jan 23:13
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.8

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #35 - Fixed an issue with the NuGetClient class where the getPackageVersions and packageWithVersionExists functions were not working correctly.

Dependency Updates 📦

  1. #34 - Updated kinsondigital/infrastructure action to v13.6.0

Other 🪧

  1. #21 - Improved the CLI and Directory types.
  2. #14 - Created a prepare release workflow.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.7

09 Dec 09:25
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.7

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #28 - Fixed a bug where getting the repository using the RepoClient.getRepo() function only worked with all lowercase repo names.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.6

08 Dec 17:31
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.6

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #27 - Added the following functions to all GitHub HTTP clients to manage headers.
    • getHeader()
    • updateOrAdd()
    • clearHeaders()
    • containsHeader()
  2. #22 - Added the ability to upload assets to a GitHub release.
    • The new function named uploadAssets was added to the ReleaseClient class.

Breaking Changes 🧨

  1. #22 - Removed the functions getReleaseByTag and getReleaseByName.
    • These functions were replaced by the function named getRelease.
    • The getRelease function now uses the options parameter named ReleaseOptions.
  2. #19 - Changed the token constructor parameter of the OrgClient class from optional to required.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #27 - Fixed a bug where attempting to update a file in a repository where the file already exists throws an error saying that it already exists.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.5

20 Nov 17:01
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kd_clients Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.5

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Bug Fixes 🐛

  1. #15 - Fixed create org client issue.