Team Collaborators
Marcus Clairmont | Sejin Kim | Jordan Roberts | Scott Hall
Makers Academy - Week six group challenge: Build an Airbnb clone.
- MVP achieved - YES
- 7 of 9 User Stories completed. Outstanding stories are:
- Approve the booking
- Appears open until confirmed
- Models: ./lib/
- Views: ./views/
- Controller : app.rb
- Tests: ./spec/
- Database: ./migrations
- Images: ./public/images
Development Environment
- Languages: Ruby, SQL
- Framework: Sinatra
Test Environment
- Feature testing: Rspec, Capybara
- Unit testing: Rspec
- Analytics: simplecov
- RDBMS: PostgreSQL
- Integration & setup: PG gem, psql
As a User
So that I can login to Makers B&B
I would like to create an account by registering my details
As a Property Owner
So that I can rent out my property
I would like to list it on Makers B&B
As a Property Owner
So that I can rent out more than one place
I would like to be able to list multiple properties on Makers B&B
As a Property Owner
So that I can attract users to my property
I would like to be able to add a description and price per night to my property listing
As a Property Owner
So that I can ensure the dates are convenient for me
I would like to clarify the dates that my place will be available
As a User
So that I book a property to stay in
I would like to request a property booking for one night
As a Property Owner
So that I can make sure my property will be in safe hands
I would like to be able to approve the booking request
As a User
So that I can book an available property
I would like to be able to see the available dates
As a Property Owner
So that I don't miss out on bookings
I would like the listing to be appear available until I confirm the booking request
A model of our relevant databases including the columns, data types and relationships between the databases.
A basic model our entire site including the pages, the content on the pages and what happens upon each click on the page.
Pre install
You will need to set up local databases in order to run and test this app properly. Please ensure that postgresl is installed before you continue. These steps require terminal, please open one.
by enteringbrew install postgresql
From the terminal run
createdb <user>
swap '' for the username on your machine.
Base install
Now you are ready to clone the repo!
Open your terminal and clone the project by entering
git clone <repo url>
Navigate into the new directory using
cd MakersBnB
Once inside type
bundle install
. This will install all the gems needed to launch and test the app. -
The last step is to enter the following line:
psql -f ./db/migrations/01_create_tables.sql
This will run the SQL script indb/migrations
folder and setup the appropriate tables needed.
Launching & closing the server for the app
- Enter
rackup -p 3456
into command line to start the server. (3456 may be changed to any port number you like) - Enter
to close the server
Viewing the app
- Enter url
(or your chosen port number) into your browser to view and interact with the app
- Open your terminal, navigate to the MakersBnB directory and run