Validate Basic Auth provided user login and password with an LDAP server.
Before installing you will need the following system dependencies:
On Debian based systems:
sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev
On RPM based systems:
sudo yum install openldap-devel openssl-devel python-devel
Install the Python package:
pip install kinto-ldap
Include the package in the project configuration:
kinto.includes = kinto_ldap
And configure authentication policy using pyramid_multiauth formalism:
multiauth.policies = ldap
By default, it will rely on the cache configured in Kinto.
multiauth.policy.ldap.use = kinto_ldap.authentication.LDAPBasicAuthAuthenticationPolicy kinto.ldap.cache_ttl_seconds = 30 kinto.ldap.endpoint = ldap:// # kinto.ldap.bind_dn = uid=read_user,ou=logins,dc=mozilla # kinto.ldap.bind_password = user_password
If necessary, override default values for authentication policy:
# multiauth.policy.ldap.realm = Realm # kinto.ldap.base_dn = dc=mozilla # kinto.ldap.filters = (mail={mail}) # kinto.ldap.pool_size = 10 # kinto.ldap.pool_retry_max = 3 # kinto.ldap.pool_retry_delay = .1 # kinto.ldap.pool_timeout = 30