A top-down shoot em' up (shmup) built with PixiJS.
N.B.: If you clone this repo you'll need to either use Node v14.x
or prepare yourself to run npm run build
followed by npm run start
to see your changes. Fun times. If you use nvm
this shouldn't be an issue.
Play it here
/Arrow Keys
for movementn
for shooting
- Implemented Gamepad
- Implemented gamepad vibration
- When shooting
- When things blow up
- Vibrate when things blow up
- Intensity based on how player is to explosion
- Screen responsiveness
- Make menu responsive
- Make game-over screen responsive
- Planes that spawn should have their value moved closer to the player's position
- When a plane spawns it should only shoot when it's on the screen
- Create
file for serving game on node server. - Launch game onto heroku.
- Update: Wave 1 planes should move faster
- This will be a wave 1 alternate, so pick between the 2, the standard version should have a higher likelihood of spawning.
- Screen shake when things blow up
- The closer you are to an explosion the more the screen shakes.
- Blow up shockwave filter
- Add flash anim for hit enemies
- Fix responsiveness of video on menu page
- Game (Create sound manager for this. Also add blur event for game audio to be muted)
- Shoot
- Hit enemy
- Kill Confirmed
- Enemy explode
- Game over music
- Water must wiggle
- Switch to parcel 2
- Add the version number (place javascript code into the
that creates a VERSION_TAG value and sets it to our package.json file's version. This way we always have the version update to date with the game code.)
First patch version for 0.5. Doesn't really have bug fixes, more like feedback implementations. Changed how controls are set for a player, new system is way better and should make switching to two player so much easier. Aiming for the cockpit of a bomber does double the damage now.
- Implement arrows+spacebar control combo into game.
- 4 point bomber should have different smaller sprite
- Easier way to kill bombers (aim for the cockpit/nose).
This was the first version that got uploaded to GitHub.
- Added Loading page
- Player plane movement and shooting
- A scrolling background
- Basic enemy spawning
- Enemy spawning and being shot at (so I added collision system at this point)
- Added support for game entities to have custom collision bounding box
- Enemies spawn in timed waves.
- Enemies can spawn in formations with varying types of enemies.
- Added UI and placed score and highscore on screen (also, highscore is stored locally)
- Added a "cinematic" menu lol
- Added a game over screen