Example application using trame for exploring MNIST dataset in the context of AI training and XAI thanks to XAITK.
- Free software: BSD License
- XAITK Saliency with MNIST
- XAI Discovery Platform | MNIST Sample Data
For the Python layer it is recommended to use conda to properly install the various ML packages.
Go to conda documentation for your OS
brew install miniforge
conda init zsh
# Needed in order to get py3.9 with lzma
# PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" pyenv install 3.9.9
conda create --name trame-mnist python=3.9
conda activate trame-mnist
# For development when inside repo
pip install -e .
# For testing (no need to clone repo)
pip install trame-mnist
conda activate trame-mnist
If cuda is available, the application will use your GPU, but you can also force the usage of your cpu by adding to your command line the following argument: --cpu
trame-mnist is distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-clause License.