This week we practice React by creating components and using data from Spotify. You will build a page which shows new album and single releases. This project was done using pair programming and branches.
What you need to do ✓ Your app should have components
✓ Your page should look as close as possible to the design provided.
✓ You should display the following for each album: - album cover image - album name - the name of each artist involved with a comma between
✓ Hover effects: - When you hover over an album, it should go darker, and you should show a play button, a favourite button, and the ellipsis (see the design sketch) - When you hover over the play button, it should grow (see the design sketch) - Hovering an artist name or an album name should match the design sketch
✓ When you click on the album, it should link to the album's external url in the data
✓ When you click on an artist, it should link to the artist's external url in the data
✓ Your page should be responsive: - showing 4 albums per row on desktop - 2 per row on tablet - 1 per row on mobile.
We used React, JavaScrips, JSON-data, CSS and JSX to solve the assignment. We started off in one master branch, beginning with creating components and the base of the code and targeting the JSON-data. We used Trello for planning. If we had more time we would aim for the last strech goals and add accessebility feautures.