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Creating new demos for KoRE

Nils Lichtenberg edited this page May 24, 2013 · 1 revision

If you want to get a quick look at KoRE and set up your own cross-platform code for some testing, this guide will help you if you are not familiar with CMake. The following steps are not recommended for more complex projects.

  • The demos are located in REPO_ROOT/KoRE/demos.
  • In this folder, create a new folder YOUR_DEMO. YOUR_DEMO will hold the sources and a CMakeLists.txt to define project settings.
  • As you can see in the MainGLFW demo, .cpp and .h files can simply be stored in that folder.
  • Have a look at REPO_ROOT/KoRE/demos/MainGLFW/CMakeLists.txt. This file defines the project settings for that demo - for each platform. Here, paths to included libraries and headers are defined. You can copy that file into YOUR_DEMO.
  • If you want to use additional libraries, modify YOUR_DEMO/CMakeLists.txt accordingly and copy the library files into REPO_ROOT/ext. Note that changes to the CMakeLists.txt may have to be made differently for each platform.
  • The command to add libraries is set(KoRE_LIBS NAME_OF_LIB).
  • To make CMake able to find your new project, open REPO_ROOT/KoRE/demos/CMakeLists.txt and add the line ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(YOUR_DEMO).
  • Now run CMake again from REPO_ROOT/KoRE and your demo is ready to work with.
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