Due to me not actively playing FFXIV at the moment, there will be fewer updates. I do strive to keep this fully functional and will try my hardest to have this functional quickly after game updates. However, I will not make any promises about feature requests.
A Tool for raid leaders and raiders alike. All raiders know the hassle it can be to manage a raid group or simply keep track of your gear and strategies. While there is a plethora of good tools to help with all these tasks online I found myself missing an easily accessible hub for these tasks, especially with an in-game interface. To counter these hardships, I started this project.
- Lootmaster
- Overview of current and BiS Gear of players
/hrt lootmaster or /hrt lm
- Loot distribution helper: Calculates priority for loot based on a rule set
- Stat calculation: Let's you see stats and their meaning for any gearset present
- Overview of current and BiS Gear of players
- planned Raid planner
- Plan your raid sessions
- Keep track of loot and attendance
Please refer to the open issues
If you have not used the plugin for a longer period of time some data might not be able to be migrated, generally we try to at least be compatible with versions from the last 6 months at least. The following table shows detailed compatibility information.
Data / Config | From >=1.4.x | From 1.2.x-1.3.x | From <1.2.x |
To >=1.4.x | - | ✅ / ✅1 | ❌ / ❌ |
To 1.2.x-1.3.x | - | - | ✅ / ✅ |
To <1.2.x | - | - | - |
1 - Some options are lost
This plugin needs XIV Launcher with activated in-game features to work.
For help with installation and configuration please refer to their FAQ
If you have ideas or any constructive input on the project. Feel free to contact me here on GitHub, open an issue in this repo or reach out via the official channels provided by Dalamud/XIVLauncher.