Welcome to my Data Science/Data Analytics Internship Portfolio at Brainwave_Matrix_Solutions ! This repository contains a collection of projects that demonstrate my skills in data analysis, machine learning, and problem-solving. Below is a summary of the projects:
This list of metro systems includes electric rapid transit train systems from throughout the world. Metro systems are known as subways, U-Bahns, or undergrounds in different regions of the world. As of May 2023, 194 cities in 62 nations had a metro system.
Assigned : Social Media Sentiment Analysis Analyze social media data (e.g., Twitter) to understand public sentiment towards specific topics, products, or events. Use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to preprocess text data, extract sentiment scores, and visualize sentiment trends over time.
This is an entity-level sentiment analysis dataset of twitter. Given a message and an entity, the task is to judge the sentiment of the message about the entity. There are two tweets in this dataset: Positive and Negative. This dataset is the collection of 29530 unique tweets.
Each project folder contains detailed documentation and code files showcasing the analysis, methodology, and results.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio & reviewing my submission!
For any inquiries or feedback regarding this project, please contact:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/komal-b61580158/
- Email: komal93singh@gmail.com