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A node-steam plugin for Dota 2, consider it in alpha state.


Check out @RJacksonm1's blog post (his only blog post), Extending node-dota2, for a rough overview of adding new functionality to the library. A fair warning, while the way you search for new functionality is still the same, quite a lot has changed (and been simplified) implementation wise. It is now easier to implement new functionality than it was back when this blog was written.

Be careful, you'll need SVN if you want to work on the project! Executing an npm install inside the project directory has node-steam fetch the most recent node-steam-resources, which needs SVN to obtain the protobufs.

Installation and setup

  • npm install dota2 in your repository root
  • Copy node_modules/dota2/examples/config.js.example to config.js in your project root and edit appropriately
  • Copy node_modules/dota2/examples/example.js in your project root and change line 5 to dota2 = require("dota2"),
  • Run the example script: node example.js
  • If you receive Error 63 you need to provide a Steam Guard code by setting the Steam Guard code in config.js and launching again.
  • Make sure to use at least version 4.4.5 of node js


At the moment the serverlist that is kept internally by node-steam contains IP addresses which are no longer responsive. This causes timeouts and makes node-dota2 seem unresponsive. The examples contain a fix for this behaviour. In short, node-steam emits a servers event that will always contain the latest version of the server list. You need to make sure that your bot handles this event and saves its contents so that upon next startup you can initialize node-steam with a more up to date list. The examples folder contains a (as of the beginning of October 2018) working list that is read by the example bots. You can use this list to bootstrap your bot until node-steam updates their embedded list.



  • steamClient - Pass a SteamClient instance to use to send & receive GC messages.
  • debug - A boolean noting whether to print information about operations to console.
  • debugMore - A boolean noting whether to print extended debug information. Activating this will log messages for each proto message exchanged with the GC.
var Steam = require('steam'),
    steamClient = new Steam.SteamClient(),
    dota2 = require('dota2'),
    Dota2 = new dota2.Dota2Client(steamClient, true, false);


We do not in any way encourage people to use their own accounts when using this library. This library tries to mimic the behavior of the Dota 2 client to allow people to programmatically interact with the Dota 2 GC, however we make no efforts to hide this fact and it's pretty easy for Valve to detect clients using this library based on the generated traffic. While Valve has not yet expressed a dislike regarding reverse engineering projects like this one, it's not unimaginable that this might one day change and result in VAC bans.


The examples directory contains two Dota2 bots as an example. One contains commented-out dota2 methods, the other has boolean activated methods. Both examples show how to interact with the library.


There is a partial automated test suite for node-dota2, which is located in the test directory. You need to configure the STEAM_USERNAME and STEAM_PASSWORD environment variables to be able to run it. You can launch the tests by running the file with mocha.


The API doc can be consulted here or at


Dota 2 module

Dota2.Dota2Client ⇐ EventEmitter

Kind: static class of Dota2
Extends: EventEmitter
Emits: ready, unhandled, hellotimeout, popup, sourceTVGamesData, inventoryUpdate, practiceLobbyUpdate, practiceLobbyCleared, lobbyInviteUpdate, lobbyInviteCleared, practiceLobbyJoinResponse, practiceLobbyListData, practiceLobbyResponse, lobbyDestroyed, friendPracticeLobbyListData, inviteCreated, partyUpdate, partyCleared, partyInviteUpdate, partyInviteCleared, joinableCustomGameModes, chatChannelsData, chatJoin, chatJoined, chatLeave, chatMessage, profileCardData, playerMatchHistoryData, playerInfoData, playerStatsData, trophyListData, hallOfFameData, playerCardRoster, playerCardDrafted, liveLeagueGamesUpdate, topLeagueMatchesData, teamData, matchesData, matchDetailsData, matchMinimalDetailsData, matchmakingStatsData, topFriendMatchesData, tipResponse, tipped

new Dota2.Dota2Client(steamClient, debug, debugMore)

The Dota 2 client that communicates with the GC

Param Type Description
steamClient Object Node-steam client instance
debug boolean Print debug information to console
debugMore boolean Print even more debug information to console

dota2Client.Logger : winston.Logger

The logger used to write debug messages. This is a WinstonJS logger, feel free to configure it as you like

Kind: instance property of Dota2Client

dota2Client.Inventory : Array.<CSOEconItem>

The current state of the bot's inventory. Contains cosmetics, player cards, ...

Kind: instance property of Dota2Client

dota2Client.chatChannels : Array.<CMsgDOTAJoinChatChannelResponse>

The chat channels the bot has joined

Kind: instance property of Dota2Client

dota2Client.Lobby : CSODOTALobby

The lobby the bot is currently in. Falsy if the bot isn't in a lobby.

Kind: instance property of Dota2Client

Lobby.Options : Object

Kind: static typedef of Lobby

Name Type Default Description
game_name string Name of the lobby
pass_key string Lobby password
[server_region] ServerRegion module:Dota2.ServerRegion.UNSPECIFIED Server region where the lobby will be created
[game_mode] DOTA_GameMode DOTA_GameMode.DOTA_GAMEMODE_AP Game mode
[game_version] DOTAGameVersion DOTAGameVersion.GAME_VERSION_STABLE Version of the game
[cm_pick] DOTA_CM_PICK DOTA_CM_PICK.DOTA_CM_RANDOM Who gets first pick
[allow_cheats] boolean false Whether or not to allow cheats
[fill_with_bots] boolean false Whether or not to fill empty slots with bots
[bot_difficulty_radiant] BotDifficulty module:Dota2.schema.DOTABotDifficulty.BOT_DIFFICULTY_PASSIVE The bot difficulty for radiant bots, if fill_with_bots is true.
[bot_difficulty_dire] BotDifficulty module:Dota2.schema.DOTABotDifficulty.BOT_DIFFICULTY_PASSIVE The bot difficulty for dire bots, if fill_with_bots is true.
[bot_radiant] number Presumably the ID of the custom AI to be applied to radiant bots.
[bot_dire] number Presumably the ID of the custom AI to be applied to dire bots.
[allow_spectating] boolean true Whether or not to allow spectating
[series_type] SeriesType NONE Whether or not the game is part of a series (Bo3, Bo5).
[radiant_series_wins] number 0 # of games won so far, e.g. for a Bo3 or Bo5.
[dire_series_wins] number 0 # of games won so far, e.g. for a Bo3 or Bo5.
[previous_match_override] number In a series, the match ID of the previous game. If not supplied, the GC will try to find it automatically based on the teams and the players.
[allchat] boolean false Whether or not it's allowed to all-chat
[dota_tv_delay] LobbyDotaTVDelay LobbyDotaTV_120 How much time the game should be delayed for DotaTV.
[leagueid] number The league this lobby is being created for. The bot should be a league admin for this to work.
[custom_game_mode] string Name of the custom game
[custom_map_name] string Which map the custom game should be played on
[custom_difficulty] number Difficulty of the custom game
[custom_game_id] Long 64bit ID of the custom game mode
[pause_setting] LobbyDotaPauseSetting 0 Pause setting: 0 - unlimited, 1 - limited, 2 - disabled

dota2Client.LobbyInvite : CSODOTALobbyInvite

The currently active lobby invitation. Falsy if the bot has not been invited.

Kind: instance property of Dota2Client

dota2Client.Party : CSODOTAParty

The party the bot is currently in. Falsy if the bot isn't in a party.

Kind: instance property of Dota2Client

dota2Client.PartyInvite : CSODOTAPartyInvite

The currently active party invitation. Falsy if the bot has not been invited.

Kind: instance property of Dota2Client


Reports to Steam that you're playing Dota 2, and then initiates communication with the Game Coordinator.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client


Stop sending a heartbeat to the GC and report to steam you're no longer playing Dota 2

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

dota2Client.joinChat(channel_name, [channel_type])

Joins a chat channel. If the chat channel with the given name doesn't exist, it is created. Listen for the chatMessage event for other people's chat messages. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Default Description
channel_name string Name of the chat channel
[channel_type] DOTAChatChannelType_t DOTAChatChannelType_t.DOTAChatChannelType_Custom The type of the channel being joined

dota2Client.leaveChat(channel_name, [channel_type])

Leaves a chat channel. If you've joined different channels with the same name, specify the type to prevent unexpected behaviour. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
channel_name string Name of the chat channel
[channel_type] DOTAChatChannelType_t The type of the channel being joined

dota2Client.sendMessage(message, channel_name, [channel_type])

Sends a message to the specified chat channel. Won't send if you're not in the channel you try to send to. If you've joined different channels with the same name, specify the type to prevent unexpected behaviour. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
message string The message you want to send
channel_name string Name of the chat channel
[channel_type] DOTAChatChannelType_t The type of the channel being joined

dota2Client.shareLobby(channel_name, [channel_type])

Shares the lobby you're currently in with the chat so other people can join. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
channel_name string Name of the chat channel
[channel_type] DOTAChatChannelType_t The type of the channel being joined

dota2Client.flipCoin(channel_name, [channel_type])

Sends a coin flip to the specified chat channel. Won't send if you're not in the channel you try to send to. If you've joined different channels with the same name, specify the type to prevent unexpected behaviour. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
channel_name string Name of the chat channel
[channel_type] DOTAChatChannelType_t The type of the channel being joined

dota2Client.rollDice(min, max, channel_name, [channel_type])

Sends a dice roll to the specified chat channel. Won't send if you're not in the channel you try to send to. If you've joined different channels with the same name, specify the type to prevent unexpected behaviour. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
min number Lower bound of the dice roll
max number Upper bound of the dice roll
channel_name string Name of the chat channel
[channel_type] DOTAChatChannelType_t The type of the channel being joined


Requests a list of chat channels from the GC. Listen for the chatChannelsData event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

dota2Client.requestPlayerMatchHistory(account_id, [options], [callback])

Requests the given player's match history. The responses are paginated, but you can use the start_at_match_id and matches_requested options to loop through them. Provide a callback or listen for the playerMatchHistoryData event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Default Description
account_id number Dota 2 account ID of the player whose match history the bot should fetch
[options] Object Filtering options
[options.start_at_match_id] number Which match ID to start searching at (pagination)
[options.matches_requested] number How many matches to retrieve
[options.hero_id] number Show only matches where player played the given hero
[options.request_id] number account_id A unique identifier that identifies this request
[options.include_practice_matches] boolean Whether or not to include practice matches in the results
[options.include_custom_games] boolean Whether or not to include custom games in the results
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgDOTAGetPlayerMatchHistoryResponse

dota2Client.requestProfileCard(account_id, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id's profile card. This method is heavily rate limited. When abused, the GC just stops responding. Even the regular client runs into this limit when you check too many profiles. Provide a callback or listen for profileCardData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_id number Dota 2 account ID of the player whose profile card the bot should fetch
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgDOTAProfileCard

dota2Client.requestProfile(account_id, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id's profile page. This method is heavily rate limited. When abused, the GC just stops responding. Even the regular client runs into this limit when you check too many profiles. Provide a callback or listen for profileData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_id number Dota 2 account ID of the player whose profile page the bot should fetch
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgDOTAProfileResponse

dota2Client.requestHallOfFame(week, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the Hall of Fame data for week. Provide a callback or listen for the hallOfFameData event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
week number The week of which you wish to know the Hall of Fame members; will return latest week if omitted. Weeks are counted from start of unix epoch with a lower bound of 2233 (2012-10-18)
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgDOTAHallOfFameResponse


Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting one or multiple account_ids player information. This includes their display name, country code, team info and sponsor, fantasy role, official information lock status, and if the user is marked as a pro player. Listen for the playerInfoData event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_ids number | Array.<number> Either a single or array of Account IDs (lower 32-bits of a 64-bit Steam ID) of desired user(s) player info.

dota2Client.requestTrophyList(account_id, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id's trophy data. Provide a callback or listen for trophyListData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_id number Dota 2 account ID of the player whose trophy data the bot should fetch
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgClientToGCGetTrophyListResponse

dota2Client.requestPlayerStats(account_id, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id's player stats. Provide a callback or listen for playerStatsData event for Game Coordinator's response. This data contains all stats shown on a player's profile page. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_id number Dota 2 account ID of the player whose player stats the bot should fetch
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgGCToClientPlayerStatsResponse

dota2Client.tipPlayer(account_id, steam_id, steam_id)

Attempts to tip a player for his performance during a match. Listen for the tipResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_id number The Dota2 ID of the player you want to tip.
steam_id Long The match ID for which you want to tip a player.
steam_id number The event ID during which you want to tip a player.


Requests a list of custom game modes for which there are currently lobbies available. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Default Description
[server_region] ServerRegion ServerRegion.UNSPECIFIED The server region for which you'd like to obtain the joinable custom game modes

dota2Client.requestPlayerCardsByPlayer() ⇒ Array.<FantasyPlayer>

Requests the player stats for each of the players for which you have one or multiple player cards. All requests are staggered in 200ms intervals and time out after 2s. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

requestPlayerCardsByPlayer.FantasyPlayer : Object

Player with player cards

Kind: static typedef of requestPlayerCardsByPlayer

Name Type Description
account_id number Dota2 account ID of the player
cards Array.<Object> Player cards of this player in the bot's inventory
cards[].id number ID of the card
cards[].bonuses Array.<Object> Array of bonuses that apply to this card
cards[].bonuses[].type FantasyStats The stat that gets a bonus
cards[].bonuses[].value number Percentage bonus for the stat
stats CMsgGCToClientPlayerStatsResponse Player stats

dota2Client.requestPlayerCardRoster(league_id, timestamp, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting your fantasy line-up for a specific day of a given tournament. Provide a callback or listen for the playerCardRoster event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
league_id number ID of the league
timestamp number Date in timeframe of the league
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgClientToGCGetPlayerCardRosterResponse

dota2Client.draftPlayerCard(league_id, timestamp, slot, player_card_id, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to draft a certain player card in a specific slot, for a given day in a tournament. Provide a callback or listen for the playerCardDrafted event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
league_id number ID of the league for which you're drafting a player card
timestamp number Timestamp of the day for which you want to draft a player card
slot number Slot in the draft which you want to fill
player_card_id number Item ID of the player card you want to draft
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgClientToGCSetPlayerCardRosterResponse


Attempts to change the position of one or more items in your inventory. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
item_positions Array.<Object> The new positions of the items
item_positions[].item_id number ID of the item
item_positions[].position number New position of the item


Attempts to delete an item in your inventory. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
item_id number ID of the item


Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the top league matches. Listen for the topLeagueMatchesData event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

dota2Client.createPracticeLobby(options, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to create a lobby. This will automatically make the bot join the first slot on radiant team. Listen for practiceLobbyUpdate response for a snapshot-update of the newly created lobby. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
options Options Configuration options for the lobby
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse

dota2Client.configPracticeLobby(lobby_id, options, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to configure some options of the active lobby. Listen for practiceLobbyUpdate response for a snapshot-update of the newly created lobby. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
lobby_id Long ID of the lobby
options Options The new option values
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse


Requests a lists of joinable practice lobbies. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyListData event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyListResponse


Requests a lists of joinable practice lobbies which have one of your friends in them. Provide a callback or listen for the friendPracticeLobbyListData event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgFriendPracticeLobbyListResponse


Shuffles the lobby based on skill level. Requires you to be in a lobby and to be the host. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse


Flips the radiant and dire team players. Requires you to be in a lobby and to be the host. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse


Asks to invite a player to your lobby. This creates a new default lobby when you are not already in one. Listen for the inviteCreated event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
steam_id Long The Steam ID of the player you want to invite.

dota2Client.practiceLobbyKick(account_id, [callback])

Asks to kick someone from your current practice lobby. Requires you to be in a lobby and to be the host. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_id number The Dota2 account ID of the player you want to kick.
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse

dota2Client.practiceLobbyKickFromTeam(account_id, [callback])

Asks to kick someone from his chosen team in your current practice lobby. The player will be added to the player pool Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_id number The Dota2 account ID of the player you want to kick from his team.
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse

dota2Client.joinPracticeLobby(id, password, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to join a lobby. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyJoinResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
id externalLong The ID of the lobby
password number The password of the lobby
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse


Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to leave the current lobby. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse


Destroy the current lobby. Requires you to be the host. Provide a callback or listen for the lobbyDestroyed event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgDOTADestroyLobbyResponse


Abandons the current game. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse


Start the practice lobby. The bot will continue to receive lobby updates, but won't join the actual game. Requires you to be in a lobby and to be the host. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse

dota2Client.joinPracticeLobbyTeam(slot, team, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to join a particular team in the lobby. Requires you to be in a lobby. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
slot number The slot you want to join
team number The team you want to join
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse

dota2Client.joinPracticeLobbyBroadcastChannel([channel], [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to add a bot to the broadcast channel. Requires you to be in a lobby. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Default Description
[channel] number 1 The channel slot you want to fill
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse

dota2Client.addBotToPracticeLobby(slot, team, bot_difficulty, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to add a bot to the given team in the lobby. Requires you to be in a lobby and to be the host Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
slot number The slot you want to add a bot to
team number The team you want to add a bot to
bot_difficulty module:Dota2.schema.DOTABotDifficulty The difficulty setting of the bot.
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse

dota2Client.respondLobbyInvite(id, accept)

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator confirming/denying a lobby invitation Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
id Long The ID of the lobby
accept boolean Whether or not you accept the invitation.

dota2Client.requestMatches([criteria], [callback])

Requests a list of matches corresponding to the given criteria. The responses are paginated, but you can use the start_at_match_id and matches_requested options to loop through them. Provide a callback or listen for the matchesData event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Default Description
[criteria] Object Filtering options
[criteria.hero_id] number Show only matches where someone played the given hero
[criteria.game_mode] number Game mode
[criteria.start_at_match_id] number Which match ID to start searching at (pagination)
[criteria.matches_requested] number 1 How many matches to retrieve
[criteria.min_players] number Minimum number of players present during the match
[criteria.request_id] number A unique identifier that identifies this request
[criteria.account_id] number Dota2 account ID of a player that needs to be present in all matches
[criteria.league_id] number Show only matches from the league with this ID
[criteria.skill] number Skill level of the matches. 0 = Any, 3 = Very high skill.
[criteria.team_id] number Team ID of the team that's played in the matches
[criteria.custom_game_id] number Show only custom games with the given ID
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgDOTARequestMatchesResponse

dota2Client.requestMatchDetails(match_id, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the match details for the given match ID. This method is rate limited. When abused, the GC just stops responding. Provide a callback or listen for matchDetailsData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
match_id number Match ID for which the bot should fetch the details
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgGCMatchDetailsResponse

dota2Client.requestMatchMinimalDetails(match_id, [callback])

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the minimal match details for the given match ID. This method is rate limited. When abused, the GC just stops responding. Provide a callback or listen for matchMinimalDetailsData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
match_id number Match ID for which the bot should fetch the minimal details
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgClientToGCMatchesMinimalResponse


Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the current match making stats. Listen for matchmakingStatsData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client


Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the current top matches played by your friends. Listen for topFriendMatchesData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

dota2Client.respondPartyInvite(id, [accept], [ping_data])

Responds to a party invite. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Default Description
id Long The party's ID
[accept] boolean false Whether or not you accept the invite
[ping_data] CMsgClientPingData Optional argument that can be provided when accepting an invite. Contains a.o. the ping to the different servers.


Leaves the current party. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client


Tries to assign a party member as party leader. Only works if you are a party leader and the proposed user is a member of the current party. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
steam_id Long The Steam ID of the new party leader


Announces whether or not you want to be coach of the current party. GC will take action accordingly. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
coach boolean True if you want to be coach, false if you no longer want to be coach


Invite a player to your party. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
steam_id Long Steam ID of the player you want to invite


Kick a player from your party. Only works if you're party leader. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
steam_id Long Steam ID of the player you want to kick


Requests a list of SourceTV games based on the given criteria. Listen for sourceTVGamesData for results Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
filter_options CSourceTVGameSmall Filter options. Check the protobuf for a full list.
filter_options.league_id number ID of a league
filter_options.hero_id number ID of a hero that must be present in the game
filter_options.start_game number Number of pages sent, only values in [0, 10, 20, ... 90] are valid, and yield [1,2,3 ... 10] responses


Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the authenticated user's team data. Provide a callback or listen for teamData for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.

Kind: instance method of Dota2Client

Param Type Description
[callback] requestCallback Called with err, CMsgDOTATeamsInfo


Emitted when the connection with the GC has been established and the client is ready to take requests.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

"unhandled" (kMsg, kMsg_name)

Emitted when the GC sends a message that isn't yet treated by the library.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
kMsg number Proto message type ID
kMsg_name string Proto message type name


Emitted when the connection with the GC takes longer than 30s

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

"inventoryUpdate" (inventory)

Emitted when the GC sends an inventory snapshot. The GC is incredibly inefficient and will send the entire object even if it's a minor update. You can use this to detect when a change was made to your inventory (e.g. drop) Note that the Inventory property will be the old value until after this event completes to allow comparison between the two.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
inventory Array.<CSOEconItem> A list of CSOEconItem objects

"gotItem" (item)

Emitted when you receive an item through a trade. Note that the Inventory property will be the old value until after this event completes to allow comparison between the two.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
item CSOEconItem CSOEconItem object describing the received item

"gaveItem" (item)

Emitted when you trade away an item. Note that the Inventory property will be the old value until after this event completes to allow comparison between the two.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
item CSOEconItem CSOEconItem object describing the traded item

"practiceLobbyUpdate" (lobby)

Emitted when the GC sends a lobby snapshot. The GC is incredibly inefficient and will send the entire object even if it's a minor update. You can use this to detect when a lobby has been entered / created successfully as well. Note that the Lobby property will be the old value until after this event completes to allow comparison between the two.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
lobby CSODOTALobby The new state of the lobby.


Emitted when leaving a lobby (aka, the lobby is cleared). This can happen when kicked, upon leaving a lobby, etc. There are other events to tell when the bot has been kicked.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

"lobbyInviteUpdate" (lobbyInvite)

Emitted when the bot received an invite to a lobby

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
lobbyInvite CSODOTALobbyInvite The invitation to a lobby.


Emitted when the Lobby Invite is cleared, for example when accepting/rejecting it or when the lobby is closed.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

"partyUpdate" (party)

Emitted when the GC sends a party snapshot. The GC is incredibly inefficient and will send the entire object even if it's a minor update. You can use this to detect when a party has been entered / created successfully as well. Note that the Party property will be the old value until after this event completes to allow comparison between the two.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
party CSODOTAParty The new state of the party.


Emitted when leaving a party (aka, the party is cleared). This can happen when kicked, upon leaving a party, etc. There are other callbacks to tell when the bot has been kicked.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

"partyInviteUpdate" (partyInvite)

Emitted when the GC sends a party invite snapshot. The GC is incredibly inefficient and will send the entire object even if it's a minor update. You can use this to detect when an incoming party invite has been sent. Note that the PartyInvite property will be the old value until after this event completes to allow comparison between the two.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
partyInvite CSODOTAPartyInvite The invitation to a party.


Emitted when the Party Invite is cleared, for example when accepting/rejecting it or when the party is closed

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

"chatJoined" (channelData)

Event that's emitted whenever the bot joins a chat channel

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
channelData Object A CMsgDOTAJoinChatChannelResponse object containing information about the chat channel.

"chatJoin" (channel, joiner_name, joiner_steam_id, otherJoined_object)

Event that's emitted whenever someone else joins a chat channel the bot is in

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
channel string Name of the chat channel someone joined
joiner_name string Persona name of the person that joined the channel
joiner_steam_id Long Steam ID of the person that joined the channel
otherJoined_object CMsgDOTAOtherJoinedChatChannel The raw message data.

"chatLeave" (channel, leaver_steam_id, otherLeft_object)

Event that's emitted whenever someone else leaves a chat channel the bot is in

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
channel string Name of the chat channel someone left
leaver_steam_id string Persona name of the person that left the channel
otherLeft_object CMsgDOTAOtherLeftChatChannel The raw message data.

"chatLeft" (channel)

Event that's emitted whenever the bot left a chat channel

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
channel string Name of the chat channel the bot left

"chatMessage" (channel, sender_name, message, chatData)

Event that's emitted whenever someone sends a message in a channel the bot is in

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
channel string Name of the chat channel the message was sent to
sender_name string Persona name of the sender of the message
message string The message that was sent
chatData CMsgDOTAChatMessage The raw message data containing the message and its metadata.

"chatChannelsData" (channels)

Event that's emitted after requesting a list of chat channels via requestChatChannels

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
channels Array.<Object> An array of ChatChannel objects
channels[].channel_name string Name of the chat channel
channels[].num_members number Number of members in the channel
channels[].channel_type DOTAChatChannelType_t The type of the channel

"playerMatchHistoryData" (requestId, matchHistoryResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for a player's match history

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
requestId number Id of the request to which this event is the answer
matchHistoryResponse CMsgDOTAGetPlayerMatchHistoryResponse The raw response data containing the user's match history.

"profileCardData" (account_id, profileCardResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for a player's profile card

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_id number Dota2 account ID of the player whose profile card was fetched.
profileCardResponse CMsgDOTAProfileCard The raw response data containing the user's profile card.

"profileData" (profileResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for a player's profile page

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
profileResponse CMsgProfileResponse The raw response data containing the user's profile page.

"hallOfFameData" (week, featured_players, featured_farmer, hallOfFameResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for a player's profile card

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
week number Weeks since unix epoch for which the hall of fame data was fetched
featured_players Array.<Object> This week's featured players
featured_players[].account_id number Dota2 account id of the featured player
featured_players[].hero_id number ID of the hero
featured_players[].average_scaled_metric number Scaled metric of awesomeness
featured_players[].num_games number The number of games played
featured_farmer Object This week's featured farmer
featured_farmer.account_id number Dota2 account id of the featured farmer
featured_farmer.hero_id number ID of the hero
featured_farmer.gold_per_min number GPM for the featured match
featured_farmer.match_id number Match ID of the featured match
hallOfFameResponse CMsgDOTAHallOfFameResponse The raw response data containing the requested week's hall of fame.

"playerInfoData" (playerInfoData)

Emitted in response to a request for a player's info

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
playerInfoData Object A CMsgGCPlayerInfo object containing the player's info.
playerInfoData.player_infos Array.<Object> List of player information
playerInfoData.player_infos[].account_id number Dota2 account ID of the player
playerInfoData.player_infos[].name string The display name for the player
playerInfoData.player_infos[].country_code string The abbreviated country code for the user if available (i.e. us, cn, etc...)
playerInfoData.player_infos[].fantasy_role number The role of the player, either core or support, 1 and 2 respectively
playerInfoData.player_infos[].team_id number The numerical id of the user's team
playerInfoData.player_infos[].team_name string The name of the team the user is on, ex: Cloud9
playerInfoData.player_infos[].team_tag string The abbreviated tag of a team prepended to a player's name, ex: C9
playerInfoData.player_infos[].sponsor string The sponsor listed in the player's official info, ex: HyperX
playerInfoData.player_infos[].is_locked boolean Whether or not the user's official player info has been locked from editing, true or false
playerInfoData.player_infos[].is_pro boolean Whether the player is considered a pro player by Valve, true or false
playerInfoData.player_infos[].locked_until number Timestamp indicating end of lock period
playerInfoData.player_infos[].timestamp number Unknown

"trophyListData" (trophyListResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for a player's trophy list

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
trophyListResponse Object A CMsgClientToGCGetTrophyListResponse object containing the player's trophy list.
trophyListResponse.account_id number Dota2 account ID of the player
trophyListResponse.trophies Array.<Object> List of player trophies
trophyListResponse.trophies[].trophy_id number Id of the trophy
trophyListResponse.trophies[].trophy_score number The score this trophy has counted. This is usually a level, but can represent other things, like number of challenges completed, or coins collected, etc...
trophyListResponse.trophies[].last_updated number The last time the trophy has been updated, in Unix time
trophyListResponse.profile_name string The name displayed on the user's dota profile page and profile card

"playerStatsData" (account_id, playerStatsResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for a player's stats

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
account_id number Dota2 account ID of the player
playerStatsResponse CMsgGCToClientPlayerStatsResponse The player's stats.

"tipResponse" (tipResponse)

Event that's emitted in response to a request for tipping a player

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
tipResponse CMsgClientToGCGiveTipResponse.Result Whether or not the tip was successful

"tipped" (tipper_account_id, tipper_name, recipient_account_id, recipient_name, event_id)

Event that's emitted whenever the bot got tipped

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
tipper_account_id number Dota 2 account ID of the person who tipped
tipper_name string Name of the tipper
recipient_account_id number Dota 2 account ID of the person who got tipped
recipient_name string Name of the one who got tipped
event_id number ID of the event during which the tip occurred

"joinableCustomGameModes" (joinableCustomGameModes)

Emitted in response to a request for joinable custom game modes.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
joinableCustomGameModes Array.<CMsgJoinableCustomGameModesResponseEntry> List of joinable custom game modes

"playerCardRoster" (playerCardRoster)

Emitted in response to a request for a player's fantasy roster

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
playerCardRoster CMsgClientToGCGetPlayerCardRosterResponse The raw response data containing the fantasy draft and score if available.

"playerCardDrafted" (playerCardRoster)

Emitted in response to a draft of a player card

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
playerCardRoster number The result of the operation. See CMsgClientToGCSetPlayerCardRosterResponse.result.

"popup" (id, popup)

Emitted when the server wants the client to create a pop-up

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
id number Type of the pop-up.
popup CMsgDOTAPopup The raw pop-up object. Can contain further specifications like formattable text

"liveLeagueGamesUpdate" (live_league_games)

Emitted when the GC sends a CMsgDOTALiveLeagueGameUpdate.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
live_league_games number The number of live league games

"topLeagueMatchesData" (matches)

Emitted in response to a request for top league matches.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
matches Array.<Object> List of top matches
matches[].match_id Long Match ID
matches[].start_time number Unix timestamp of the start of the match
matches[].duration number Duration of the match in seconds
matches[].game_mode DOTA_GameMode Game mode
matches[].players CMsgDOTAMatchMinimal.Player List of all the players in the game, contains id, hero, K/D/A and items
matches[].tourney CMsgDOTAMatchMinimal.Tourney Information on the league if this is a league match
matches[].match_outcome EMatchOutcome Who won

"lobbyDestroyed" (result, response)

Event that's emitted when attempting to destroy the lobby

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
result CMsgDOTADestroyLobbyResponse.Result Result code, 0 is SUCCESS, 1 is ERROR_UNKNOWN
response Object The raw response object

"practiceLobbyJoinResponse" (result, response)

Event that's emitted whenever the bot joins a lobby

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
result DOTAJoinLobbyResult Result code
response Object The raw response object
response.result DOTAJoinLobbyResult Result code

"practiceLobbyListData" (practiceLobbyListResponse)

Event that's emitted in response to a request for the list of lobbies

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
practiceLobbyListResponse Object Raw response object
practiceLobbyListResponse.tournament_games boolean Whether or not there are tournament games included in the list
practiceLobbyListResponse.lobbies Array.<CMsgPracticeLobbyListResponseEntry> List of practice lobbies and their details

"practiceLobbyResponse" (result, response)

Emitted when an operation changing the state of a lobby was sent to the GC and processed. This event only contains the acknowledgement by the GC. The actual update of the lobby state is communicated via module:Dota2.Dota2Client#practiceLobbyUpdate events.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
result DOTAJoinLobbyResult Result code
response Object The raw response object
response.result external:steam.EResult Result code

"friendPracticeLobbyListData" (practiceLobbyListResponse)

Event that's emitted in response to a request for the list of your friends' lobbies

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
practiceLobbyListResponse Object Raw response object
practiceLobbyListResponse.lobbies Array.<CMsgPracticeLobbyListResponseEntry> List of practice lobbies and their details

"inviteCreated" (steam_id, group_id, is_online)

Event that's emitted whenever the bot attempts to invite someone to a lobby

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
steam_id Long Steam ID of the person that was invited to the lobby
group_id Long Group ID of the invitation
is_online boolean Whether or not the invitee is online

"matchesData" (requestId, total_results, results_remaining, matches, series, matchResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for matches

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
requestId number Id of the request to which this event is the answer
total_results number Total number of results corresponding to the query (max 500)
results_remaining number Total number of results not in this response
matches Array.<CMsgDOTAMatch> List of match information objects
series Array.<Object> List of series
series[].matches Array.<CMsgDOTAMatch> List of match information objects for the matches in this series
series[].series_id number ID of the series
series[].series_type number Type of the series
matchResponse CMsgDOTARequestMatchesResponse A CMsgDOTARequestMatchesResponse object containing the raw response.

"matchDetailsData" (match_id, matchDetailsResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for a match's details

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
match_id number Match ID for which the details where asked
matchDetailsResponse CMsgGCMatchDetailsResponse A CMsgGCMatchDetailsResponse object containing the raw response.

"matchMinimalDetailsData" (last_match, matchMinimalDetailsResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for a/multiples match's minimal details

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
last_match boolean Whether or not the last of the requested matches is included in this response
matchMinimalDetailsResponse CMsgClientToGCMatchesMinimalResponse A CMsgClientToGCMatchesMinimalResponse object containing the raw response.

"matchmakingStatsData" (matchgroups_version, match_groups, matchmakingStatsResponse)

Emitted in response to a request for the match making stats

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
matchgroups_version number Version nr of the match groups (these evolve over time). For the current list check regions.txt
match_groups Array.<Object> The different match groups and their stats
match_groups[].players_searching number The number of people searching for a match
match_groups[].auto_region_select_ping_penalty number Ping penalty for people searching this region
matchmakingStatsResponse CMsgDOTAMatchmakingStatsResponse A CMsgDOTAMatchmakingStatsResponse object containing the raw response.

"topFriendMatchesData" (matches)

Emitted in response to a request for the current top matches played by your friends

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
matches Array.<CMsgDOTAMatchMinimal> A list of CMsgDOTAMatchMinimal objects containing the minimal match details of the matches your friends are currently playing.

"sourceTVGamesData" (sourceTVGamesResponse)

sourceTVGamesData event

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
sourceTVGamesResponse CMsgGCToClientFindTopSourceTVGamesResponse The raw response data or null if a bad response was received

"teamData" (teams, league_id)

Emitted in response to a request for your teams.

Kind: event emitted by Dota2Client

Param Type Description
teams Array.<CMsgDOTATeamInfo> A list of CMsgDOTATeamInfo objects containing information about the teams you're in (name, members, stats, ...)
league_id number No clue why this is here, nor what it signifies

Dota2Client.ToAccountID(steamID) ⇒ number

Converts a 64bit Steam ID to a Dota2 account ID by deleting the 32 most significant bits

Kind: static method of Dota2Client
Returns: number - Dota2 account ID corresponding with steamID

Param Type Description
steamID string String representation of a 64bit Steam ID

Dota2Client.ToSteamID(accid) ⇒ Long

Converts a Dota2 account ID to a 64bit Steam ID

Kind: static method of Dota2Client
Returns: Long - 64bit Steam ID corresponding to the given Dota 2 account ID

Param Type Description
accid string String representation of a Dota 2 account ID


Protobuf schema created by Steam Resources. This is an alias of steam.GC.Dota.Internal. This object can be used to obtain Dota2 specific protobuf types. Object types can be created by new Dota2.schema.<TypeName>(payload :Object);. Enum types can be referenced by Dota2.schema.<EnumName>, which returns an object array representing the enum.

Kind: static property of Dota2

schema.CMsgGCToClientPlayerStatsResponse : Object

Player statistics

Kind: static typedef of schema

Name Type Description
account_id number Dota2 account ID of the player
player_stats Array.<number>
match_count number Number of matches played
mean_gpm number Mean GPM per match over the last 20 matches
mean_xppm number Mean XPPM per match over the last 20 matches
mean_lasthits number Mean last hits per match over the last 20 matches
rampages number All time number of rampages
triple_kills number All time number of triple kills
first_blood_claimed number All time number of times the player claimed first blood
first_blood_given number All time number of times the player fed first blood
couriers_killed number All time number of couriers killed
aegises_snatched number All time number of aegises snatched
cheeses_eaten number All time amount of cheese eaten
creeps_stacked number All time number of camps stacked
fight_score number Fighting score over the last 20 matches
farm_score number Farming score over the last 20 matches
support_score number Support score over the last 20 matches
push_score number Push score over the last 20 matches
versatility_score number Hero versatility over the last 20 matches

Dota2.FantasyStats : enum

Enum for the different fantasy stats

Kind: static enum of Dota2
Read only: true

Name Type Default
KILLS number 0
DEATHS number 1
CREEPS number 2
GPM number 3
TOWERS number 4
ROSHAN number 5
TEAMFIGHT number 6
OBSERVER number 7
STACKS number 8
RUNES number 9
FIRSTBLOOD number 10
STUNS number 11

Dota2.ServerRegion : enum

Enum for all server regions. This enum is kept up to date on a best effort base. For the up-to-date values, check your game's regions.txt or SteamDB's version

Kind: static enum of Dota2
Read only: true

Name Type Default
USWEST number 1
USEAST number 2
EUROPE number 3
KOREA number 4
SINGAPORE number 5
DUBAI number 6
AUSTRALIA number 7
STOCKHOLM number 8
AUSTRIA number 9
BRAZIL number 10
PWUNICOM number 13
CHILE number 14
PERU number 15
INDIA number 16
JAPAN number 19

Dota2.SeriesType : enum

Enum for different types of series.

Kind: static enum of Dota2
Read only: true

Name Type Default
NONE number 0
BEST_OF_THREE number 1
BEST_OF_FIVE number 2

Dota2~requestCallback : function

Kind: inner typedef of Dota2

Param Type Description
errorCode number Null if everything went well, else the error code
responseMessage Object The response message the GC sent


A Long class for representing a 64 bit two's-complement integer value derived from the Closure Library for stand-alone use and extended with unsigned support.

Kind: inner external of Dota2
See: long npm package


The Steam for Node JS package, allowing interaction with Steam.

Kind: inner external of Dota2
See: steam npm package


A node-steam plugin for Dota 2.







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