GShepherd is a small project we created based on Slido. As more and more courses and events now require interaction between the stage and the audience, we attempted to design a website like Slido, hoping to make the design more tailored to course needs.
Using MEVN stack (MongoDB, Express, Vue.js, Node.js)
Design w. MVC architecture (Model-View-Controller)
File structure
A basic structure for MVC arch.
packages used in backend:
· expressjs/cors for CORS middleware
· express-session for session middleware
· Passport.js for authentication middleware
· Mongoose for easier communicate w. MongoDB
. ESlint & Prettier for code linting and formatting
Database design
User login/registration Subsequent authentication
A room can have multiple activities The entity that users join
Can change activity type according to needs
Records submitted by users for activities
Although MongoDB is NoSQL database, but since we're using Mongoose, schema for each document is needed.
The image shows current layout of the system, since we're implementing inheritance model on Event and Record, it gains more flexibility for future usage.
and RESTful API (Representational State Transfer)