This project is not meant for yet another fancy To Do application, but to provide a boilerplate to quickly get started with Django 3 as backend and setup django-rest-framework as a RESTful API.
Log In Page | Home Page |
- REST API to create, read, update, delete (CURD) To Dos.
- User authentication. Simultaneousely can have multiple users, each having their own To Dos hidden from each other.
- Search through ToDos.
- Django 3 for web backend and serve on local network.
- Django templating language.
- Setting up a REST API with CURD operations.
- Seperating frontend and backend and how to communicate with each other through a REST API.
- Settting up an API for User registration, log-in and log-out.
- Django serch filter.
- Install Django 3 and django-rest-framework
- Make makemigrations and migrate
- Make superuser
- Run server
- Use the app