This is an Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem. The implementation is an adaptation of what is proposed Here. For more information about the details of the implementation and ORLIB benchmark results visit this Report.
- Download the module
curl -O --location
- In a python script, import UFLPGeneticProblem class from the downloaded module
from UFLPGeneticProblem import UFLPGeneticProblem
- Instantiate the imported class with desired parameters
ga = UFLPGeneticProblem(
mutationRate = 0.01,
crossoverMaskRate = 0.4,
eliteFraction = 1/3,
populationSize = 150,
cacheParam = 50,
maxRank = 2.5,
minRank = 0.712,
maxGenerations = None,
nRepeat = None,
printProgress = True
- Finally run the instantiated model and get the best individual (first individual in a sorted population) as follows:
bestIndividual = ga.population[0]
- Also you can get the plan for the best individual using bestIndividualPlan method which returns a list of assigned facility indices to customers. (e.g. if the returned plan is [0 1 2 1 2] it means the first customer is connected to facility 0, second and forth customers are connected to facility 1 and finally third and fifth customers are connected to facility with index 2)
bestPlan = ga.bestIndividualPlan()
- Total execution time is also available (in seconds):
totalTime = ga.mainLoopElapsedTime
A brief explanation about problem-specific parameters of the class (For GA-specific parameters and a more detailed explanation, visit this Report) :
A numpy 2 dimensional array where facilityToCustomerCost[i,j] denotes the cost of the established link between facility i and customer j.
A numpy vector where potentialSitesFixedCosts[i] denotes the facility i fixed cost (cost of establishment).
An upper bound on the total number of generations.
Beside maxGenerations, nRepeat is another termination parameter. The execution of the algorithm is terminated when the best individual of the population is not changed in nRepeat number of generations.