Heriseson is solution service platform.It help customer with with search optimization, online reputation management and social media
This challenge thought me about the right structure an html and css files have to have in order to be considered accessible. A site that is accessible ensures that people with disabilities can access it with special technologies, apart from providing better positioning in the google search engines!
The previous verision of the site was missing some semantic structure in the html, and the css could be refactored to reduce the lines of code and way of applying the rules. I followed the Scout Rule, to make sure that the new code provided (refactored) is cleaner than how it was before.
To run the project in your local machine:
- Open visual studio in your computer or laptop
- Clone the git project: https://github.com/Kowther7/Horiseon_Refactory.git
- Pull the latest from the 'main' branch
- Locate the index.html file
- Right click on the file and select "Open in default browser"
- A new window on your default browser should open with the web page containing the prework study guide
Access the deployed project here: https://kowther7.github.io/Horiseon_Refactory/
After running the project you will be able to access the refactored site! You might be wondering why you can barely see any difference compared to the old version of the site, and that is because usually that's what a refactor is. A refactor consists on restructuring an existing body, just altering the internal structure without changing the functionality. Basically its improving the quality of the code base! Below is an image of what you should be seeing when you run the project or access the deployment.
The main resources used were:
The bootcamp resources
Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo.