This project is the seconde challenge for week two module. We were asked to create a website from scratch without starting code.On this webpage you will find links to my previous projects, my educational background, and my profile picture. The webpage also connects you to my contact information in linkedin, github and email.
To run the project in your local machine: Open visual studio in your computer or laptop Clone the git project: Pull the latest from the 'main' branch Locate the index.html file Right click on the file and select "Open in default browser" A new window on your default browser should open with the web page containing the prework study guide Access the deployed project here:
After running the project you will be able to access my portfolio! Since I don't have any personal projects right now, all of them are listed as "project in progress". Stay tuned to see the updates on my site 😄 Click on the upper right nav menu to navigate to the different sections of my portfolio, and click oin each project (in the future) to access each one of the applications I've developed. Looking forward to see you back here!
The main resources used:
Bootcamp canvas - Module 02 Strava icon & css from their official page