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A simple solution to keep a personal website and PDF updated using a single resume.json file.


Both the website and generated PDF are based on Gayle Laakmann McDowell's awesome resume format. A Microsoft Word template is also available if that is all you're looking for.


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App and uses Chakra-UI's component library. is deployed using Netlify.

LaTeX to PDF Resume Generation

Huge shout-out to the dnl-blkv/mcdowell-cv repo for laying the groundwork for LaTeX to PDF resume generation!



  1. Ensure yarn and netlify-cli are installed globally. If you're planning on deploying your site with Netlify that is... If you go with something else, be sure to update the yarn deploy-dev and yarn deploy-prod scripts and remove any mention of "netlify" from the project.).
npm install -g yarn
npm install -g netlify-cli
  1. Clone and cd into this repository
git clone my_awesome_resume
cd my_awesome_resume
  1. Run the website in dev mode
yarn && yarn start


Key Binding Description
T Toggle light/dark mode

PDF Generation

  1. Make sure lualatex is installed on your machine and is available at ~/bin/lualatex. I installed it on my Mac by downloading MiKTeX. You may be prompted to install various LaTeX libraries before the PDF will successfully generate.
  2. Update /src/resume.json to include your info.
  3. Once you're finished updating resume.json, run yarn validate:json to ensure there are no validation errors.
  4. If the JSON is valid, you can now generate the resume.tex file by running generate:tex.
  5. Once the resume.tex file has been created, you can now run generate:pdf to create a resume.pdf file that will be saved to the /public directory. This will make it accessible via once you deploy it. NOTE: The generate:pdf command relies on lualatex existing at ~/bin/lualatex. Be sure to update the generate:pdf command if your lualatex exists at a different location.


You can view the full list of the available scripts from your terminal by running yarn scripts in the project directory.

NOTE: The yarn scripts command requires jq to be installed.

  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "generate:tex": "node ./scripts/validateResumeJSON.js && node ./scripts/generateTexFromJSON.js",
    "generate:pdf": "~/bin/lualatex --output-directory=./public/ --aux-directory=./pdf_generator/ ./pdf_generator/resume.tex",
    "update-resume": "yarn generate:tex && yarn generate:pdf",
    "deploy-dev": "yarn build && netlify deploy --dir=build",
    "deploy-prod": "yarn build && netlify deploy --dir=build --prod",
    "yellowlight": "yarn update-resume && yarn deploy-dev",
    "greenlight": "yarn update-resume && yarn deploy-prod",
    "validate:json": "node ./scripts/validateResumeJSON.js",
    "scripts": "cat package.json | jq .scripts"


Any and all contributions are welcome!

// TODO: Add a specifying steps to contribute to the project

Since I have only tested this project on Mac, it would be great if others are able to test out the project on additional platforms and report any setup/documentation issues you encounter.

Additionally, the resume.json format could probably be more flexible to allow for additional/optional sections rather than the arbitrary keys I chose and am validating against in validateResumeJSON.js.