The online-book-store is a Java-based web application built using the Spring Boot framework. It serves as a comprehensive platform for managing books, categories, user registrations, shopping carts, and orders within a bookstore. This project was inspired by the need for an efficient and scalable solution to streamline bookstore operations.
- Spring Boot: Is a powerful framework for building production-grade Java Applications.
- Spring Security: Is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework.
- Spring Data JPA: Simplifies the implementation of JPA-based (Java Persistence API) repositories.
- Hibernate: ORM tool for Java applications.
- MySQL: A relational database management system.
- Liquibase: Database schema migration tool.
- Docker: Docker helps developers build, share, run, and verify applications in containers.
- Lombok: A library to reduce boilerplate code in Java.
- MapStruct: Implements mapping between DTOs and entity models.
- Swagger: Tool for API documentation and testing.
User registration.
POST: /api/auth/registration
Example of request body to register user:
{ "email": "", "password": "password1234", "repeatPassword": "password1234", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "shippingAddress": "1234 Main St, City" }
Secure user login with JWT-based authentication.
POST: /api/auth/login
Example of request body to do log-in:
{ "email": "", "password": "password1234" }
Example of response body after successful log-in. Use generated JWT token in the Authorization header in your requests.
{ "token": "eyJhbGci .... .... eoWbArcG7o-CNQO2Jo" }
Create, retrieve, update, and delete books.
Search for books based on various parameters.
Associate books with multiple categories.
Available endpoints for Book Managementwith USER role
GET: /api/books GET: /api/books/{id} GET: /api/books/search
with ADMIN role
POST: /api/books/ DELETE: /api/books/{id} PUT: /api/books/{id}
Example of request body to create new book:
{ "title": "Book title", "author": "Book author", "price": "100", "description": "Description for book", "coverImage": "Book image", "isbn": "978-1-4028-9462-6", "categoryIds": [1, 2] }
If you want to add category to book, you should crate category first, or update book later. Field categoryIds is an optional field.
To update Book you should use same request body as for creation of a new book.
Create, retrieve, update, and delete book categories.
Available endpoints for Category Managementwith USER role
GET: /api/categories GET: /api/categories/{id} GET: /api/categories/{id}/books
with ADMIN role
POST: /api/categories PUT: /api/categories/{id} DELETE: /api/categories/{id}
Example of request body to create new category:
{ "name": "Category name", "description": "Category description" }
Add books to the shopping cart.
View and manage shopping cart items.
Place orders, update order status, and retrieve order details.
Available endpoints for Shopping Cart Managementwith USER role
POST: /api/cart GET: /api/cart PUT: /api/cart/cart-items/{cartItemId} DELETE: /api/cart/cart-items/{cartItemId}
Example of request body to add:
{ "bookId": 1, "quantity": 1 }
Example of request body to update book qty in cart:
{ "quantity": 1 }
Available endpoints for Order Management
with USER role
POST: /api/orders GET: /api/orders GET: /api/orders/{orderId}/items GET: /api/orders/{orderId}/items/{itemId}
Example of request body to post order:
{ "shippingAddress": "1234 Main St, City" }
with ADMIN role
PUT: /api/orders/{id}
Example of request body to update order status:
{ "status": "CANCELED" }
The project follows a modular structure:
- model: Models representing the business logic entities.
- repository: Spring Data JPA repositories.
- service: Business logic.
- controller: Controllers for handling HTTP requests.
- dto: Data Transfer Objects to send between the client and server.
- mapper: Mappers for mapping between DTOs and models.
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Configure database settings in the application properties file.
Build and run the application.
To access Swagger documentation use link: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
The API uses JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication.
To access protected endpoints first login to api, then include the generated JWT token in the Authorization header of your requests.
Challenge: Implementing secure user authentication.
Solution: Utilized Spring Security and JWT for a robust authentication mechanism.
Challenge: Efficiently managing shopping carts and order processing.
Solution: Designed a ShoppingCartService and OrderService to handle cart operations and order management.
For detailed API usage, you can use provided requests samples.
The online-book-store is designed to offer a seamless experience for managing bookstore operations.