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The Fern edited this page Sep 11, 2018 · 4 revisions

Currently there are 6 hooks that you can use to change the visuals of the phone, these include

GPhonePreRenderTopbar (w,h)              -- Called before rendering the topbar (The time and battery etc.)
GPhonePostRenderTopbar (w,h)             -- Called after rendering the topbar

GPhonePreRenderBackground (w,h)          -- Called before rendering the background on the homescreen or appscreen
GPhonePostRenderBackground (w,h)         -- Called after rendering the background

GPhonePreRenderScreen (w,h)              -- Called before rendering anything on the screen
GPhonePostRenderScreen (w,h)             -- Called after rendering the entire screen except the cursor

GPhoneDataReceived (ply,name,data)       -- Called before receiving shared data from any source and with any key

All hooks can be utilized via the default hook.Add command, like so

hook.Add("GPhonePreRenderTopbar", "TopbarBackgroundTest", function(w, h) -- Draws a green background behind the Topbar
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 255, 0, 255)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)