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OnChainAI 🤖

Onchain OpenAI via ChainLink Functions

OnChainAI purpose is to propose a fully decentralized way to interact onchain, between smartcontracts and AI

Demo 👀

A running demo of OnChainAI is available on IPFS :

Here is main screenshot;


Install 🚀

Install via these commands:

git clone
cd onchain-ai
pnpm install

Setup 🛠️ (user mode)

Set these values in your ENV variables :


Run 🏃

Run the Dapp on local network with this command:

turbo start

Or optionnaly, you can also run these commands in 3 different terminals, like in Scaffold-eth standard mode:

turbo chain
turbo deploy
turbo start

Note that OnChainAI will not fully work on anvil network (no ChainLink there...), so rather use a tesnet like base-sepolia or optimism-sepolia for your tests (avoid sepolia that is slower).

Setup 🛠️ (advanced mode)

If you want to redeploy smartcontract (as an dev), you will also need to set these values:

  • VERIFIER_URL= : url associated with etherscan api key "
  • OPENAI_API_KEY=<YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY> : openai api key

OPENAI_API_KEY will be uploaded in a secure way to ChainLink DON (don't use centralized S3 solutions also proposed by ChainLink)

Recommanded way is to use direnv command. After direnv setup you only have to move example.env with your own values to .envrcfile

Other possible ways inludes :

  • simplest way, run source your.env
  • classic way, use dotenv
  • chainLink secure way, use env-enc packages


Description 📗

  • OnChainAI extension is a Scaffold-eth-alt extension, allowing you to develop Dapps using OpenAI GPT

  • OnChainAI protocol is an onchain solution for any smartcontracts to make AI calls.

  • OnChainAI uses OpenAI GPT4o-mini with ChainLink Functions. Each OpenAI request launched by OnChainAI is sent by multiple ChainLink servers that have to reach consensus to return a unique answer. ChainLink answer can be retrieved only after a few blocks, and may take more than one minute, depending on the network.

  • OnChainAI is not free (on mainnet) as ChainLink requires some LINK tokens and OpenAI requires some $. Default model will be a fixed price of 0.0002 eth per request. BUT this will be changed in the future to a more dynamic pricing model.

  • You can use OnChainAI protocol as is, with the contracts already deployed, or you can deploy your own, where you will be able to set your own configuration, and decide on the price of AI requests.

  • OnChainAI extension is available with a Hardhat setup with 3 specific AI tasks to help you start with the OnChainAI protocol.

Usage 💡

You can send your prompt to OnChainAI in different ways:

  1. using Scaffold-eth debug page of OnChainAI dapp (out of the box)
  2. using OnChainAI UI included in this extension, via the Ask? menu link in OnChainAI dapp
  3. via your smartcontracts using OnChainAI protocol

Configuration scripts 🚀

1 script is available for the OnChainAI admin : secrets

secrets script 🔒

Admin task, to be used to upload your secrets to ChainLink

Ex: yarn hardhat --network baseSepolia ai secrets --expiration 10

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] ai secrets [--expiration <INT>]


  --expiration	Expiration time in minutes of uploaded secrets  (default: 60)

secrets: Upload OnChainAI secrets to ChainLink

Config file can be found at chainLink/config.json

OpenAI 🧠

A specific system prompt is used for each OpenAI request, you can view it inside the javascript code run by ChainLink DON : chainLink/source/onChainAI.js

Limitations 🚧

  • ChainLink Functions is currently in beta .

  • OpenAI prompt must be kept simple, as ChainLink Functions has a limited memory capacity

  • OpenAI answer must very short, in order for ChainLink Functions to be able to reach a consensus on an answer. i.e. you can ask '13 time 5 equal ?' but not ask 'Tell me a story'. And you can add to your prompt some requirements as: answer with one word, YES or NO or true or false...

Roadmap ➡️

  • implement other AI models : Mistral, Claude, Lama3 and other OpenAI models
  • deploy OnChainAI on all networks supported by ChainLink Functions (curently as of August 2024 : Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base, Optimism, Polygon, Avalanche)
  • deploy with same address on all networks
  • propose a choice between multiple system prompts