🔭 I’m currently pursuing ECE @SRMIST, Chennai
🌱 I’m currently learning Full Stack IoT Development, Back End Development, Web Development
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open source IoT projects
💬 Ask me about IoT, Electronics, Web Development, Backend Development
📫 How to reach me kg5300@srmist.edu.in
name: Krishna V
located_in: Salem, India
current_job: IoT Developer
"Self-Taught Developer",
"UG in Electronics and Computer Engineering",
company: SRMIST, Chennai
"Web Development",
"CAD Designing",
"Web Developer Intern @GameNation"
currently_learning: ["Back End Devlopment using Python and JS"]
2022 Goals: ["Develop a scalable IoT Product and learn at least 5 new Technologies."]
hobbies: ["Gaming", "Cinema", "Cricket", "Music"]