Welcome to the Interactive Calculator project! This project aims to create an interactive and user-friendly calculator application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Core Features
- Arithmetic Operations: This feature allows operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, percentage, and division.
Advanced Features
- Interactive Buttons: Each button provides audio feedback on click, enhancing the interactive experience.
- Error Handling: For any invalid input, the calculator displays the error and prompts the user to enter the valid input
- Distinct Modes: The option to switch between dark, neutral, and light themes caters to user preferences and visual comfort.
- Control Buttons: Buttons with the ability to delete the last character, clear the display, and showcase the previous answer.
Project Structure
The project structure is as follows:
- index.html: Main HTML file containing the calculator interface.
- style.css: CSS file for styling the calculator interface.
- javascript.js: JavaScript file containing the calculator logic and functionality.
Live Demo
You can view the live project by following this link: https://krisha1703.github.io/Interactive-Calculator/