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Daily Sync - A Social Media Website for all users - Fourth Portfolio project with Code Institute

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Daily Sync

Developer: Kristian Colville

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Table of Contents

Project Goals

The goal of this project was to create a social media website that takes advantage of good UX design principles and can indicate to a global audience its purpose.

User Goals

  • Create a social media account on Daily Sync
  • Add friends, expand a network and post content that reaches my network
  • Have the ability to personalize a profile
  • Have the ability to message friends and family
  • Being able to keep in touch with lost contacts & create connections that last a lifetime

Site Owners Goals

  • Create a social media website that has the look and presentation of an experienced brand
  • Allow users to use create, read, update and delete functionality throughout the website to keep people engaged in a meaningful and interactive way
  • Provide authority for content that might offend or discriminate to ensure users that this is what a family-friendly social media website looks like
  • Build a responsive and accessible website for a wide audience and build it with the latest tools and technology this world has to offer
  • Bring attention to detail and provide a great user experience

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User Experience

Target Audience

  • Any user that wants to use another general-purpose social media website
  • Users who would like to keep in touch with friends and family alike
  • Users that are familiar with the user experience commonly seen on social media websites
  • Users that enjoy having methods of interaction beyond the common text message
  • People who enjoy writing meaningful content and are looking to express themselves
  • Users that would like to share their daily interactions with the world
  • People who enjoy having ways of personalizing their unique selves within a social environment

User Requirements and Expectations

  • Intuitive navigation throughout the website with a focus on simplicity
  • Information is organized in a structured and easy-to-follow manner
  • There should be feedback provided on most CRUD functionality used
  • Help should be provided only if it does not interfere with the intuitive design
  • Simplicity is paramount to a great social media site so any complexity should be minimized
  • Any user should expect a reputable website to have a high degree of security to protect the user's personal information
  • The website should provide ease of accessibility for visually impaired users
  • The website should provide a sufficient amount of responsiveness for various devices used
  • It's expected that any simplicity is correctly implemented to make sure that users can easily navigate around the website
  • It's greatly expected as part of the user experience that any simplicity involved should provide multiple options that perform the same action to help users

User Stories

Issue ID User Story
#1 As a user I can navigate around the website when I am logged in so that I find what I am looking for within the website
#2 As a new user I can identify the purpose of this website so that I can choose whether I want to sign up for this website if it interests me
#3 As a user I can create a post so that I can notify my network of my activity and share experiences
#4 As a new user I can create an account so that I can save my personal information and share it with my network
#5 As a returning user I can log in and access my account so that I can keep an account on this website
#6 As a user I can click on a post in order to view it differently so that I can expand the post and see additional information such as all the comments/ conversations within a post
#7 As a user I can create a comment on a post so that I can express myself and interact with my network
#8 As a user I can like or unlike a post so that I can share my opinion and appreciation for content on the website created by my network that I like
#9 As a registered user I can I can create my own profile so that I can share my personal information with my network and help others to identify me within the social media website
#10 As a registered user I can use a search mechanism so that I can find things like people or groups
#11 As a registered user I can add my friends so that I can contact them, and view their profiles and posts
#12 As a registered user I can quickly identify that I have new notifications so that I can act accordingly and respond to notifications like comments on a post, people liking my posts or messages from friends
#16 As a user I can check how many hours or days since a post was created so that I understand the time frame when a particular post was created and can identify between new and old content
#17 As a registered user I can upload a photo to use on my profile as a profile picture so that I can help others identify me on the network and have the ability to add more personalization
#19 As a user I can report a post to inform the admin of the site of content that might have bad intentions and be clearly identified as a misuse of the purpose of the website so that I can enjoy a pleasant experience on the website free from bad actors and possible malicious content
#20 As a registered user I can reset my password if forgot it so that I can access my account and have a good user experience
#21 As a registered user I can update a post I have created so that I can correct errors or add additional content to a post
#22 As a registered user I can delete a post or comment I have created so that I can personalize my experiences and remove content from my account that I might not want
#24 As the site owner I can use custom validation for user passwords so that I can increase the security of my website to improve GDPR compliance in providing good website security
#26 As a registered user I can edit a comment I created so that I can fix any errors in my comment or adjust it instead of starting from scratch with a new comment
#27 As a registered user I can be followed or follow other users so that I can keep up to date with profiles that I like or am interested in
#29 As a registered user I can change the colours of the website so that I can view the website in dark mode and lessen the strain on my eyes when using the website at later hours
#30 As a registered user I can like a post but have different emoji options available so that I can better express my feelings towards a post
#31 As a registered user I can like a comment on a post but have different emoji options available so that I can better express my feelings towards a comment I've read
#32 As the site owner I can provide various options for users to like posts and comments in different ways so that my users can interact in a more meaningful and creative way with each other
#35 As a registered user I can send people private messages so that I can interact with people privately knowing any sensitive information is secured

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Technologies & Tools


Color Scheme

These colors were used in the design of this social media web app.

The colors bright blue to faded blue are among the colors used, in addition to white and white smoke. Black was also utilized to increase contrast. The fact that blue is the color most frequently used on social networking sites had an impact on the decision to select these colors. Consider Facebook or LinkedIn as examples

Blue's associations with dependability, strength, and reliability were also taken into account when making this design decision

Color Palette


On the website, Google Fonts were applied. Oswald and Lato were the fonts I initially used, but after receiving user input, I modified the website to utilize just one typeface because it had a greater level of aesthetic appeal.

Based on research into the types of fonts used by social media platforms, this font was selected. Google has introduced a reading-optimized robot-serif typeface, as can be seen here. This font needed to be neutral and welcoming while still offering the best reading experience on almost any device.

User comments showed that this was a great design decision for the online application when this font type was implemented.



Wireframes can be viewed here

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Information Architecture


For the first migrations and testing during the development phases, SQLite was the main database. The main database was switched over to Postgres on Heroku when the project was deployed

Data Modeling

An entity relationship diagram was made using to model the connections between the various backend data structures

With the help of this tool, we can visualize the relationships between the data structures in a way that is both aesthetically beautiful and beneficial for comprehending the overall relationship between the data structures.

Through Heroku's add-ons, the technology was utilized to offer a rapid method of access.

We can quickly locate practically any relationship with the help of this information architecture. This is advantageous to use and work with from the perspective of a coder.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram


In no particular order, these are the following models created for the Daily Sync web app.

  1. Allauth User Model
  • A model for all relationships that correspond to a individual user
  • User model was built using django-allauth library
  • When a new user is created a profile model is automatically assigned to the user

  1. Profile Model
Name Database Key Field Type Validation
First_name first_name CharField max_length=30, blank=True, null=True
Last_name last_name CharField max_length=30, blank=True, null=True
Email email CharField max_length=320, unique=True
Date of Birth d_o_b DateField blank=True, null=True
Bio bio TextField max_length=200, blank=True, unique=False
User user OneToOneField User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='profile'
Avatar avatar CloudinaryField 'avatar', folder='avatars', null=True, blank=True
Background background CloudinaryField 'background', folder='backgrounds', null=True, blank=True
Friends friends ManyToManyField 'self', blank=True, symmetrical=True, related_name='user_friends'
Follows follows ManyToManyField 'self', blank=True, symmetrical=False, related_name='user_followers'
Slug slug AutoSlugField populate_from="user", unique=True

  1. Post Model
Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Author author ForeignKey User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="user_posts", null=True
Title title TextField max_length=200
Slug slug AutoSlugField populate_from='title', unique_with='author'
Content content TextField max_length=500
Created on created_on DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
Updated on updated_on DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
Edited edited BooleanField default=False
Total likes total_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='post_likes', blank=True
Thumbs likes thumbs_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='thumb_likes', blank=True
Heart likes heart_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='heart_likes', blank=True
Laugh likes laugh_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='laugh_likes', blank=True
Angry likes angry_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='angry_likes', blank=True
Status status IntegerField choices=STATUS, default=1

  1. Comment Model
Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Post post ForeignKey Post, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="comments"
Contributor contributor TextField User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="comments", null=True
Name name CharField max_length=100
Email email EmailField none
Comment comment TextField none
Created_on created_on DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
Approved approved BooleanField default=True
Total likes total_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='comment_likes', blank=True
Thumbs likes thumbs_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='thumb_likes', blank=True
Heart likes heart_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='comment_heart_likes', blank=True
Laugh likes laugh_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='comment_laugh_likes', blank=True
Angry likes angry_likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='comment_angry_likes', blank=True
Status status IntegerField choices=STATUS, default=1

  1. MessageManager Model
  • Purpose: Automates the handling of the message objects like a physical postal service
  • The email backend in 'daily_sync/' is configured with Googles SMTP Server
  • When a user sends a message on the deployed website an email is also sent to the receiver's email to alert them as well as the actual website
  • Both MessageManager and Message models were acquired using the django-messages module and adjusted for the needs of the project and errors in the PY version were corrected using the master branch from the source

  1. Message Model

Django comes pre-built with a lot of security features and an encryption module was installed specifically to address the issue of private messaging other users.

  • Cryptography for security in Django is implemented on this data model on the relevant fields
    • subject
    • body
Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Subject subject encrypt(CharField()) ugettext_lazy("Subject"), max_length=100)
Body body encrypt(TextField()) ugettext_lazy("Body"), max_length=1400)
Sender sender ForeignKey AUTH_USER_MODEL,related_name='sent_messages',verbose_name=_("Sender"),on_delete=models.PROTECT
Recipient recipient ForeignKey AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name='received_messages', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Recipient"), on_delete=models.SET_NULL
Parent_msg parent_msg ForeignKey 'self', related_name='next_messages', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Parent message"), on_delete=models.SET_NULL
Sent_at sent_at DateTimeField ugettext_lazy("sent at"), null=True, blank=True
Read_at read_at DateTimeField ugettext_lazy("read at"), null=True, blank=True
Replied_at replied_at DateTimeField ugettext_lazy("replied at"), null=True, blank=True
Sender_deleted_at sender_deleted_at DateTimeField ugettext_lazy("Sender deleted at"), null=True, blank=True
Recipient_deleted_at recipient_deleted_at DateTimeField ugettext_lazy("Recipient deleted at"), null=True, blank=True
Objects objects MessageManager

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Policy Pages

A policy generator was used to build these policy pages. In the account settings app at the end of the index page, two links are shown, the terms and conditions and the privacy policy


Feature Preface

This website has eight main web pages that people can browse and 19 distinctive characteristics. I sincerely hope you like reading about the numerous aspects and can recognize the narration's point of view.

Home Page


  • As soon as the home page loads, a picture of a young woman clutching a phone and looking bewildered greets us

  • There are three images in the carousel all providing a similar meaning when viewed or providing additional information to digest

  • Above the carousel is where the brand logo is located

  • Because the backgrounds of the photographs in the carousel have been erased, it gives the impression that the actors are being put in the foreground spontaneously

  • We can decipher the significance of this simple design strategy

    • The user is advised to contact friends and family in the second-largest text
    • This web application has three login options, each of which contributes to the overall meaning

Google Login API

  • We now have another fantastic feature with a quick and easy way to sign in using Google

  • The Google login service has been made available by the developer to allow quick and simple access to the application

  • It eliminates the work and hassle that discourages users from using current web applications

  • This tool has been developed to reach 67% of internet users, which is astounding given that this article here details the number of people who have Gmail accounts.

  • The benefit in this case, of course, is that by implementing such a system, a sizable chunk of web traffic can access the application more quickly.

view home page

Home Page

User Stories fulfilled:

Issue ID

Sign in/ Sign up pages

  • From the home page, there are three ways to access the web application: through Google Sign In, Daily Sync's supplied options, and using direct URLs.

  • Despite not being the most opulent forms ever made, they are certainly attractive and straightforward to use.

  • Feedback is available on all web application access forms.

Forgotten Password

Both the sign up and sign in forms are linked, so if you click on the wrong one you can navigate your way back to the right form. If the need should ever arise, you may reset your password from the sign in form.

Strict Passwords

It is important to use strong passwords because there is no protection from hostile internet users. Strong passwords must be used to guarantee effective security and to stop malicious users from accessing sensitive information.

Although Django already offers a respectable level of security, a higher level of password validation has been implemented into the web application's plumbing, more than what's possibly necessary.

If you would like to read more information about online security visit here

view login options

Google 1

Google 2

Sign In

Sign up

User Stories fulfilled:

Issue ID

Feed Page

Profile Created

When a user creates a new account, a profile is automatically issued to them. This profile includes their avatar as their default profile image as well as a default background

The user instantly recognizes that if they have a default avatar and background, they can probably edit and personalize their profile. This is intuitive design at its finest. Important information has been carefully laid out on this page

Post Modal

This is a case of cute trickery. The user sees "create a post" and thinks they can type into the fictitious button that tells them this is where they create posts, but that's exactly the trick; when the user clicks it, a modal pop-up is immediately brought up for them to focus in on as the backdrop dims, drawing all attention to creating posts.

Share Post Modal

Here on the website, the developer has pulled a quick fast one; the user has no idea that this is the identical modal pop-up. How is that possible? Well, Charles Babbage and the power of computing. Why the name drop and jargon? It's trickery at its best, I suppose. This web application's developer created a set of rules that are activated based on the button the user is currently lingering their mouse on (or thumb) to use less code.

Following profiles

From the feed page, it is possible to view various profiles and, if desired, follow them. This enables the user of this social media web app to grow their network and follow users they may find admirable or appealing.

view images

Profile Created

Post Modal

Share Post Modal

User Stories fulfilled:

Issue ID

Profile Page

Once more, you can see how the website's creator kept things simple and neutral on both the feed and profile pages. The developer of this application did not initially intend for it to be so neutral and simple, but as time went on, it became so to appeal to a larger online audience, Facebook and LinkedIn do the same thing, after all.


The background on the profile page serves as a canvas, a tool, a way of accomplishing an objective, and everything in between, enabling the user to have a high degree of personalization.


There is some customization in this minimum viable product, as was already discussed. Users can edit their profiles by clicking the update button that is located just next to their username.

The user can see that they can formally introduce themselves to users that see their profile by including a bio about themselves. As the user develops their network and makes use of the application, their friends and followers will show up on the left side.

view images

Profile Page

Updating profile

User Stories fulfilled:

Issue ID

View Post Page


The option to like a post is available on numerous pages. The user can select several emojis to convey themselves and their feelings toward particular posts in this scenario, where customization and expression come together.

On the actual post, you can see the author's name, avatar and time since posted as well as how many likes and comments there are.


Each post provides a numerical value to indicate that there are comments there as well as a link to view them, however, they are only accessible from this page.

You have the option of liking or disliking a comment, which is fantastic since you can express yourself using a variety of emojis just like you can with a regular post.

Regarding what you can accomplish on this website, there is a lot of utility. These functionalities alone can satisfy a significant portion of user stories. It's intriguing to observe how some pages' functionality and user stories align, and when they do, it's possible to comprehend the significance of the user experience. No matter how little, you want to keep your audience interested.

view images

View post page

post like options

Post with comment

Comment like options

User Stories fulfilled:

Issue ID

Messaging Pages

Because Django Messages is mostly used in the construction of this feature, the developer cannot claim exclusive credit for the work done by others. To avoid reinventing the wheel and to create within the time frame, this substantial amount of programming was adapted and built using a module.


The user can click on there message icon in the navigation menu and it will bring them to the inbox page where they can view messages from other users

Sent Messages

If the user wishes to check messages they have sent to other users the option exists to view sent messages

New Message

The user will see a form to create a new message after clicking the link for the "new message" button. The message they send to another user will likewise be sent via the web application's email backend. To see emails from Daily Sync notifying them of fresh messages, a user must check their email.


Users can choose to erase messages from the database if they so want. Deleted messages will remain visible for a brief period after deletion, but as the saying goes, "not forever."

view images


Sent Messages

New Message


User Stories fulfilled:

Issue ID

Chats Pages

Chat Rooms

Chat rooms allow for asynchronous user communication.

Although it might not seem important, this functionality enables real-time communication. There are countless uses for this kind of use. This method of communication would have been used to establish the messaging system had the developer had more time to research and expand upon these ideas.

The ability to talk and send private messages to other users is the main feature of social networking web applications. I'll save something for the section on upcoming features.

By selecting the chat room button on the feed page, individuals can start their chat rooms. This function was developed using the Redis add-on for Heroku.

All a user needs to do is pass their url to another user so they can access that chatroom

view images

Creating chatroom

Active chatroom

Handler Pages

Custom error pages are available to enhance the user experience. These pages will be activated in the event of a 404 or 500 error, and a link back to the home page is provided.

view images




The testing documentation can be found here


The validation documentation can be found here


Issue ID Bug Fix
#13 'auth.User.none' showing in place of where the number of likes should be Should be blank if not a number Added count() to function call on count likes in post model to display a number
#14 An issue with migrating the comment model in posts/ Planned to migrate new changes and it's refusing to do so because of the name field not having a default. My observation and knowledge tell me this is incorrect as I should not need a default on the name field I found a simple fix from stack overflow suggesting deleting all migrations as this is a common issue encountered when working with django and to not delete the folder or file and it solved the issue
#15 Unable to delete posts in admin after creating comment model Temporally removed comment model and then deleted all posts and added back all comment modal data, comment post ID was causing the issue
#18 Unable to create a post that has the same title as a published post I thought the issue was with the slug but after removing unique=true from the title variable in the post model this helped fix posting new posts with the same title but with a unique slug link
#23 When setting up the email backend and setting up an account or logging in the username and password fails Used an addon service by heroku using a mailgun sandbox and separated development & production code so an smtp service is in place
#25 Keep getting 500 errors on sign up or login of new users Reset local database and heroku database and migrated both and this fixed the issue
#28 Getting an index out of range error with the calc_time method for shorting the time since created Removed a variable and adjusted the conditional logic for the first and last characters in the string and this fixed the bug
#33 For an unknown reason, the screen has two scroll bars if the vertical layout is longer than the screen height Upon investigation I correctly assumed this was caused by bootstrap as I had used a different method of managing page overflow. I changed the overflow of the html and body element to visible and this fixed the issue
#34 I implemented a modal pop-up for creating posts through javascript and I can't create a post on the profile page because there's a csrf_token error Added a csrf_token to the base template in order to catch it with javascript and use anywhere when creating posts
#36 Images are not being loaded by Heroku when deployed, and a server returns a 404 status on those images Changed image paths, tested multiple outputs, adjusted code with no luck. I checked the documentation and I had django-heroku installed but not added and after setting up it loads the images. Added heroku settings local at bottom of in daily_sync directory
#37 The SMTP system has stopped working and users signing in from Heroku cannot get a verification email to create an account I couldn't resolve the issue so I opted for an alternative route by using Googles SMTP and removed the Heroku add-on

Development & Deployment

Version Control

I used Visual Studio Code as a local repository and IDE & GitHub as a remote repository.

  1. Firstly, I needed to create a new repository on Github daily-sync.

  2. I opened that repository on my local machine by copying the URL from that repository and cloning it from my IDE for use.

  3. Visual Studio Code opened a new workspace for me.

  4. I created files and folders to use.

  5. To push my newly created files to GitHub I used the terminal by pressing Ctrl + shift + `.

  6. A new terminal opened and then I used the below steps.

    • git add (name of the file) This selects the file for the commit
    • git commit -m "Commit message: (i.e. Initial commit)" Allows the developer to assign a specific concise statement to the commit
    • git push The final command sends the code to GitHub

Cloning this Repository

If you would like to clone this repository please follow the bellow steps.


  1. Log into GitHub
  2. Navigate to the repository you want to clone
  3. Click on the green button labelled 'Code'
  4. Copy the URL under the HTTPS option
  5. Open an IDE of your choosing that has Git installed
  6. Open a new terminal window in your IDE
  7. Type this exactly: git clone the-URL-you-copied-from-GitHub
  8. Hit Enter

You should have a local copy of the repository to use on your machine.

If you encounter problems after cloning this project please make sure you have also installed the requirements to run this project

  • Create a virtual environment by running the command in the terminal:

    • python3 -m venv .venv
  • Activate your virtual environment by running the command:

    • source .venv/bin/activate
  • Run the command to install these requirements:

    • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Please see this page for a comprehensive walk-through and explanation of how to use Git and GitHub if you are unsure how to do so or if you encounter any more problems.


I selected Heroku as a deployment option. As of the time of writing, it provides customers with a free tier, allowing them to quickly publish apps if they are just starting as developers

To deploy a project using Heroku follow these steps:

  • Log into heroku

Heroku Login

  • Go to the heroku dashboard

Heroku Login

  • Create a new app by selecting 'New'

Heroku Login

  • Give your application a name and select a preferred location
    • The EU region was chosen for this application as the developer is located in this region

Heroku Login

  • Click the 'Create app' button

  • If you have config variables in your application

    • Click on settings
    • Click 'Reveal config vars'
    • Input your deployment variables

Heroku Login

  • If you need specific build packs
    • Click on settings
    • Click on build pack
    • Add your packs as needed (Please be aware that the order matters)
    • No specific build packs were selected for this project as Django used.

Heroku Login

  • Once these steps are completed
    • Go to the deploy section
    • Select your version control system
    • For Daily Sync, GitHub was selected

Heroku Login

  • Connect your version control system
  • Add your repository
  • Connect the app selecting 'connect'
  • Either choose automatic deployment or manual deployment
  • Once all these steps are completed and the build is successful
    • You can click the 'view' button
    • It will reveal your deployed app

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Creating Chat rooms

Using Daphne on Heroku and setting up redis

Django Messages for django_messages module and updating to the latest version allowed me to create a messaging system rapidly.



Daily Sync - A Social Media Website for all users - Fourth Portfolio project with Code Institute







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