Pen is a rather big API but not too big but only big enough for some ink, is an api used to manipulate elements and or create.
It is inspired by jQuery.js and follows something similar to umbrella.js.
The object may look something like this:
//I'll be using a p element for this example
pen: {
attrs: (...),
text: (...),
el: 'p#moose', tag: 'p',
Children:(...), parent: null,
selector: 'p#moose',
ops: (...)
Docs -- for documentation Examples -- for examples on how to create things for yourself or how pen can be used
There's a selector app that allows you to interact with the webpage itself.
Use git if you have it and clone this repository
git clone
Adjust fixes if needed to add features you think need to be in it. Then make a pull request.
When creating an element via: pen("<p id='someID'>");
It's much slower than: pen("<p>").attr('id', 'someID');
*(if you're viewing this at then
highlight.js & markdown)*