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Reading List for Topics in Representation Learning

By Minghao Zhang. Since the author only focuses on specific directions, so it just covers small numbers of deep learning areas. If there is anything wrong and missed, just let me know!

Table of Contents

Research Papers


Trends in Integration of Vision and Language Research: A Survey of Tasks, Datasets, and Methods, arXiv 2019

Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives, TPAMI 2013

Self-supervised Learning: Generative or Contrastive, arxiv

Core Areas

Generative Model

Made: Masked autoencoder for distribution estimation, ICML 2015

Wavenet: A generative model for raw audio, arxiv

Pixel Recurrent Neural Networks, ICML 2016

Conditional Image Generation withPixelCNN Decoders, NeurIPS 2016

Pixelcnn++: Improving the pixelcnn with discretized logistic mixture likelihood and other modifications, arxiv

Pixelsnail: An improved autoregressive generative model, ICML 2018

Parallel Multiscale Autoregressive Density Estimation, arxiv

Flow++: Improving Flow-Based Generative Models with VariationalDequantization and Architecture Design, ICML 2019

Improved Variational Inferencewith Inverse Autoregressive Flow, NeurIPS 2016

Glow: Generative Flowwith Invertible 1×1 Convolutions, NeurIPS 2018

Masked Autoregressive Flow for Density Estimation, NeurIPS 2017

Neural Discrete Representation Learning, NeurIPS 2017

Non-Generative Model

Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Context Prediction, ICCV 2015

Distributed Representations of Words and Phrasesand their Compositionality, NeurIPS 2013

Representation Learning withContrastive Predictive Coding, arxiv

Contrastive Multiview Coding, ICLR 2020

Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning, arxiv

A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations, arxiv

Contrastive Representation Distillation, ICLR 2020

Neural Predictive Belief Representations, arxiv

World Discovery Models, ICML 2019

Deep Variational Information Bottleneck, ICLR 2017

Learning deep representations by mutual information estimation and maximization, ICLR 2019

Putting An End to End-to-End:Gradient-Isolated Learning of Representations, NeurIPS 2019

What Makes for Good Views for Contrastive Learning?, arxiv

Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning, arxiv

Mitigating Embedding and Class Assignment Mismatch in Unsupervised Image Classification, ECCV 2020

Improving Unsupervised Image Clustering With Robust Learning, CVPR 2021

Representation Learning in Reinforcement Learning

InfoBot: Transfer and Exploration via the Information Bottleneck, ICLR 2019

Reinforcement Learning with Unsupervised Auxiliary Tasks, ICLR 2017

World Models, arxiv

Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels, ICML 2019

Embed to Control: A Locally Linear Latent Dynamics Model for Control from Raw Images, NeurIPS 2015

DARLA: Improving Zero-Shot Transfer in Reinforcement Learning, ICML 2017

Count-Based Exploration with Neural Density Models, ICML 2017

Learning Actionable Representations with Goal-Conditioned Policies, ICLR 2019

Automatic Goal Generation for Reinforcement Learning Agents, ICML 2018

VIME: Variational Information Maximizing Exploration, NeurIPS 2017

Unsupervised State Representation Learning in Atari, NeurIPS 2019

Learning Invariant Representations for Reinforcement Learning without Reconstruction, arxiv

CURL: Contrastive Unsupervised Representations for Reinforcement Learning, arxiv

DeepMDP: Learning Continuous Latent Space Models for Representation Learning, ICML 2019

Disentangled Representation

beta-VAE: Learning Basic Visual Concepts with a Constrained Variational Framework, ICLR 2017

Isolating Sources of Disentanglement in Variational Autoencoders, NeurIPS 2018

Disentangling by Factorising, ICML 2018

InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning byInformation Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets, NeurIPS 2016

Spatial Broadcast Decoder: A Simple Architecture forLearning Disentangled Representations in VAEs, arxiv

Challenging Common Assumptions in the Unsupervised Learning ofDisentangled Representations, ICML 2019

Object-based Representation

Contrastive Learning of Structured World Models , ICLR 2020

Entity Abstraction in Visual Model-Based Reinforcement Learning, CoRL 2019

Reasoning About Physical Interactions with Object-Oriented Prediction and Planning, ICLR 2019

Object-oriented state editing for HRL, NeurIPS 2019

MONet: Unsupervised Scene Decomposition and Representation, arxiv

Multi-Object Representation Learning with Iterative Variational Inference, ICML 2019

GENESIS: Generative Scene Inference and Sampling with Object-Centric Latent Representations, ICLR 2020

Generative Modeling of Infinite Occluded Objects for Compositional Scene Representation, ICML 2019

SPACE: Unsupervised Object-Oriented Scene Representation via Spatial Attention and Decomposition, arxiv

COBRA: Data-Efficient Model-Based RL through Unsupervised Object Discovery and Curiosity-Driven Exploration, arxiv

Object-Oriented Dynamics Predictor, NeurIPS 2018

Relational Neural Expectation Maximization: Unsupervised Discovery of Objects and their Interactions, ICLR 2018

Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation for Deep Reinforcement Learning, NeurIPS 2018

Object-Oriented Dynamics Learning through Multi-Level Abstraction, AAAI 2019

Language as an Abstraction for Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning, NeurIPS 2019

Interaction Networks for Learning about Objects, Relations and Physics, NeurIPS 2016

Learning Compositional Koopman Operators for Model-Based Control, ICLR 2020

Unmasking the Inductive Biases of Unsupervised Object Representations for Video Sequences, arxiv


Graph Representation Learning, NeurIPS 2019

Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, ACL 2016-2020


Berkeley CS 294-158, Deep Unsupervised Learning


The newest reading list for representation learning






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