RayLib UI elements is a small library that provides a few (exactly three) basic UI elements for really simple UI creation using raysan5's raylib
First you need to have raylib installed for this library to work! Check raylib for installation guide
After you are done installing raylib follow these steps below
# Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/KryonicNapkin/rlui_elems
cd rlui_elems
# the default font used by the elements is Iosevka Nerd Font Bold
cp rlui_elems.c rlui_elems.h IosevkaNerdFont-Bold.ttf <your project path>/
And thats it!
You need all the neccessery flags that are required by raylib and also link rlui_elems.c file to your main.c file
# Compile
gcc -Wall -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 -o <output> <main_file> rlui_elems.c
BABABOOM! Its done!
#include "raylib.h"
#include "rlui_elems.h"
#define WINW 800 /* Window width */
#define WINH 600 /* Window height */
int main(void) {
/* Init default window with defined width and height */
InitWindow(WINW, WINH, "title");
/* Set target FPS of the window */
/* We define button horizontal and vertical position and also width and height */
/* For demonstration we set all these values to the same number */
int32_t button_posx = 100;
int32_t button_posy = 100;
int32_t button_width = 100;
int32_t button_height = 45;
/* make_button is used to create a button */
/* This function accepts 6 arguments; first 4 are earlier defined positions and dimensions
* and 5 is a string the will be displayes as a text inside a button, the 6 argument is
* whether you like to enable highlight on hover
/* We are are not going to set the last value for sake of simplicity */
button_t button = make_button(button_posx, button_posy, button_width, button_height, "demo", 0);
/* This function automaticaly sets other values to the DEF_* values in the rlui_elems.h file */
/* You can change these values using button_attr() function but that will be shown in another example */
/* Raylib loop */
while (!WindowShouldClose()) {
/* This function renders the actual button on the window */
return 0;
As you could see the button's font is a little small or really not pretty