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Some enhancements for symfony forms : Collections and javascripts, selects, dependants fields ....


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KryptoMania Extra Form Bundle

This bundle provides the possibility to enhance some Symfony native form controls like CollectionType or ChoiceType.



Step1: Install with composer

Run the following composer require command:

$ composer require kryptomania/extra-form-bundle


Step 2: Enable the bundle

Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Kryptomania\ExtraFormBundle\KryptomaniaExtraFormBundle(),

Step 3: Add form theme

In config.yml:

# app/config/config.yml

        - 'KryptomaniaExtraFormBundle:Form:fields.html.twig'

Step 4: Include javacript files

You will have to include the bundled javacript in your base template file for global use. You can also include it only in the views where you want to use it.

<!--  app/Resources/views/base.html.twig -->

    <!-- ExtraForm: CollectionType jQuery plugin -->
    <script src="{{ asset('bundles/kryptomaniaextraform/js/') }}"></script>

Important : This is a jQuery plugin, make sure to inclue jQuery file before.  


For basic usage, in your view:

    {#  ...  #}
    {{ form_row(form.myCollection) }}
    {#  ...  #}

    <script language="javacript">


'column_header_label' => true, // lorsque les sous-formulaires sont affichés sous forme de grille, affiche les en-têtes des colones.

'single_field_label' => false, // affiche les labels individuels pour chaque champ du formulaire

'single_field_label_xs' => true, // affiche les labels individues lorsque la résolution est au niveau xs (768px en suivant la norme bootstrap )

'entry_css_class' => 'row', // Pour chaque sous-formulaire quelle classe utiliser pour le wrapper

'entry_actions_css_class' => 'form-group text-right col-xs-12', // Pour les actions sur chaque item

'column_css_class' => array(), // les classes css de chaque champ de formulaire (affichage en grille)