Display similarity matrix between all faces found in a batch of images.
You first need to own Azure subscription and then follow bellow described steps. Below instruction is mostly copied from EDX course "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)".
To provision a Computer Vision API service in your Azure subscription, Follow these steps:
- Open another browser tab and navigate to https://portal.azure.com.
- Sign in using your Microsoft account.
- Click + New, and in the AI + Cognitive Services category, click See all.
- In the list of cognitive services, click Face.
- In the Face blade, click Create.
- In the Create blade, enter the following details, and then click Create
- Name: A unique name for your service.
- Subscription: Your Azure subscription.
- Location: Choose the Azure datacenter location where you want to host your service.
- Pricing tier: Choose the F0 pricing tier.
- Resource Group: Choose the existing resource group you created in the previous lab (or create a new one if you didn't complete the previous lab)
- Read the notice about the use of your data, and select the checkbox.
- Wait for the service to be created.
- When deployment is complete, click All Resources and then click your Face service to open its blade.
- In the blade for your Face service, copy the full Endpoint URL and paste it into faceEndpoint variable in the notebook.
- In the blade for your Face service, click Keys and then copy Key 1 to the clipboard and paste it into the faceKey variable assignment value in the notebook.