A complete web application featuring all sorts of authorization & authentication. Implements websockets
as well as RESTful API. The application is built using Springboot, pure JS, postgres and Redis.
- Java version 17, preferably amazon-corretto-17
- Gradle from: https://gradle.org/
- Postgres from: https://www.postgresql.org/
- Redis from: https://redis.io/
- Nginx from: https://www.nginx.com/
- (Optional) RabbitMQ from: https://www.rabbitmq.com/
gradle build
gradle bootRun
- Java version 17, preferably amazon-corretto-17
- Gradle from: https://gradle.org/
- Docker from: https://www.docker.com/
- Docker-compose from: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
gradle build
docker-compose up
- base local url: http://localhost
- base default port: 80
- Endpoints Documentation
- Consult http://localhost/admin/swagger-ui.html for the endpoints documentation
- Consult Decentralised Inventory Management System.postman_collection.json for the postman endpoints collection