This project entails a a simple text editor using PWA.
1. Description
2. Usage
3. Mockup
4. Installation
5. License
6. Questions
With this text editor app the user can create notes or code snippets. It online and offline for continuous work. The integrated service worker and Cache API's ensure that the application will remain fully functional even without and active internet connection.
Online and offline text and code editing.
Download the repo files from the link below
Run the following at the command line and make sure all dependencies are present in your package.json.
- npm init -y
- npm install express
- npm install idb
- npm install concurrently
- npm install --save-dev webpack
-npm install webpack-dev-server --save-dev
- npm install babel
- npm install --save-dev webpack-pwa-manifest
- Start the server
$ npm start
Stalla Ling @ for her readme file about this app.
Contact Kubi: