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Kunefe SKS (Frontend)

Welcome to our project! This repository was the frontend part of our university project.

Click here to see the Kunefe organization.

Figma design and backend repository are currently private.

What is Kunefe SKS?

Kunefe SKS is a project that we developed for our university project. It is a web application that allows users to create and manage clubs, events, and announcements. Users can also join clubs and events, and they can see the announcements of the clubs they are a member of.


Click here to see the live preview of the project.

Also, please consider that the project has two version: static and dynamic. In static version, you can see the design of the project with dummy data. In dynamic version, you can see the design and the functionalities of the project with real data. You can switch between these versions by clicking the "static" and "dynamic" branch instead "main" branch to see the differences in code.

Preview links:

Preview of main branch - Default: static version

Preview of static branch - Static version

Preview of dynamic branch - Dynamic version

Test Accounts for dynamic version


  • username: test
  • password: test


  • username: test2
  • password: test2


  • username: testuser
  • password: testuser


  • React
  • React Router
  • Redux
  • Styled Components
  • Vite
  • ESLint
  • Heroicons
  • Framer Motion


  • Clone the repository
  • Install the dependencies
npm install
  • Run the application
npm run dev

