This web app is develooped with and SQL Server 2016(15.0.2000.5)
System Design: It is designed with three tire archeture in mind. DFD and ERD are available here.
It is designed to have 4 types of users. All passwords are stored in SHA256 hash in the database.
- Registered Customer
- Unregistered Customer
- Employee with managerial priviledge
- General Employee
Unregistered user can
- book slot for sending parcel by providing additional details
Every user who is not an employee can:
- Register/Create Customer account
Every user except unregistered user can :
- LogIn / LogOut
- change/reset password
- Track a parcel
Registered user can :
- book slot for Sending Parcel
- provide a registered users phno./email while sending a parcel to autometically fillup part of the form.
- can cancel a Sent Parcel in transit
General Employee can:
- Create a parcel on behalf of a customer
- Update Parcel status
Employee with managerial priviledge can:
- do what a general employee is allowed to do
- manage Employee account(create, activate, deactivate)
- manage Regional Branch(create, update info, deactivate branch)
- manage Sub Branch(create, update info, deactivate branch)
- manage rates of parcel types over distance.
Future Improvements can be added:
- sending a parcel to a location by usng maps.
- automatic distance and fee calculation.
- automatic route calculation.
More Screenshots are available here