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A calendar component for qwik apps!

The goal is to recreate wojtekmaj/react-calendar for qwik applications. This library is still in development so there are a lot of incomplete stuff


You can install this component libary using:

npm i qwik-calendar


import { Calendar } from "qwik-calendar";

export default () => {
  return (
        <meta charSet="utf-8" />
        <title>Qwik Calendar by Kunum</title>

User guide


import { Calendar } from "qwik-calendar";

Prop name Prop Type Description Default value Example values
onClickDay$ (day: Date) => void | undefined Function called when the user clicks a day. n/a (value) => alert('Clicked day: ', value)
calendarStyles CSSProperties| undefined CSS styles for the calendar container n/a {borderRadius: "10px"}
navigationStyles CSSProperties| undefined CSS styles for the navigation (header) container n/a {backgroundColor: "#DDDDDD"}
navigationButtonStyles CSSProperties | undefined CSS styles for the buttons on the navigation bar n/a {fontSize: "12px"}
monthViewStyles CSSProperties| undefined CSS styles for the month view (days) container n/a {backgroundColor: "#EEEEEE"}
yearViewStyles CSSProperties | undefined CSS styles for the year view (months) container n/a {backgroundColor: "#EEEEEE"}
dayStyles CSSProperties| undefined CSS styles for each individual day (MonthView) n/a {borderRadius: "50%"}
monthStyles CSSProperties | undefined CSS styles for each individual month (YearView) n/a {borderRadius: "10%"}
daysStyles CSSProperties| undefined CSS styles for the days container n/a {backgroundColor: "#EEEEEE"}
invalidDayStyles CSSProperties| undefined CSS styles for invalid days (days from other months) n/a {color: "#FEFEFE"}
dayTextColor string | undefined The color of the day number "#00000" "#101101"
weekendTextColor string | undefined The color of the weekend day number "#d10000" "ff0000"
todayBgColor string | undefined The background color used to mark the current day in the calendar "#ffff76" "ffe386"
locale string | undefined The language of the calendar "pt-br" "en-us"
hideNavigation boolean | undefined Defines if the navigation bar is going to be displayed false true
showNeighbouringMonth boolean | undefined Defines if the Month View is going to display days from the neighbouring months true false
startingView string | undefined Defines in which view the calendar will start when first-rendered "month" "year"


Views are pre-defined exibition of the calendar that shows diferent kinds os dates. The user can move foward or backwards through the dates faster using diferent views that can be changed using the navigation bar.

Avaliable views:

  • Month View: Shows an specific month with all of its days.
  • Year view: Shows an specific year with all of its months.
  • Decade view: Shows all years within an decade.

Docs in other languages