Algorithms & DataStructures Arena is a dedicated repository for practicing and mastering algorithms and data structures. It covers a variety of fundamental and advanced topics, providing code implementations, explanations, and problem-solving exercises to enhance your understanding of computational techniques.
This repository is ideal for:
- Students preparing for coding interviews.
- Developers looking to deepen their knowledge in algorithms and data structures.
- Competitive programmers seeking to improve their problem-solving skills.
- Sorting Algorithms: Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, etc.
- Searching Algorithms: Binary Search, Linear Search, etc.
- Data Structures: Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Graphs, HashMaps, and more.
- Recursion & Backtracking: Solving complex problems with recursive techniques.
- Dynamic Programming: Optimized solutions to problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems.
- Greedy Algorithms: Problem-solving by choosing the most optimal solution at every step.
- Graph Algorithms: BFS, DFS, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, and more.
The repository is organized by topics and problem-solving challenges. Each folder contains:
- Code Implementation: Clean, well-commented code for the algorithm or data structure.
- Explanation: A markdown file that explains the approach, time complexity, and edge cases.
- Test Cases: Example inputs and outputs to verify the correctness of the solution.