This is a technical test for the hiring process of a backend developer position.
We have a website on the Internet and we would like to get some very simple indication of how visitors navigate the pages. For that purpose, we managed to configure our website to send an event every time a visitor navigates to a page. Our website is capable of generating unique identifiers for visitors as a string of characters. The system generating that event is able to talk to a REST HTTP interface and represents each individual event as a JSON document containing two attributes: the unique identifier of the visitor and the URL of the visited page. Our product team is starting a new sprint. We are picking the following user story: As a digital marketeer, I need to know how many distinct visitors navigated to a page, knowing its URL.
Build a GoLang web service capable of:
- Ingesting user navigation JSON events via a REST HTTP endpoint. Each event is to be ingested via a separate HTTP request (i.e. no batch and no streaming ingestion).
- Serving the number of distinct visitors for any given page via another REST HTTP endpoint. The page URL we are interested in should be a query parameter of the HTTP request. The number of distinct visitors for that URL is returned in a JSON object.
- There is no need for persistence to a database. Everything can be kept in memory.
- The web service must be capable of handling concurrent requests on both endpoints.
- Don't solve the data access concurrency problem using an external library
The API is used by a merchandise service company that is delivered by drivers. This API allows you to enter as an administrator, manage the ABM of the drivers and see a list of them.
See more details about requirements.
Saves driver.
Needs authentication and save-users permission (as default in admin profile).
Username: string, required
Password: string, required
Name: string, required
Surname: string, required
DNI: string, required
Status 200: driver saved Status 400: bad request Status 403: user unauthorized Status 409: username is already used Status 500: internal server error
Gets driver by pagination.
Needs authentication and get-users permission (as default in admin profile).
- page: number, required
Array of:
Username: string
Name: string
Surname: string
DNI: string
Status 200: processed ok Status 400: bad request Status 403: user unauthorized Status 500: internal server error
Gets non travelling drivers.
Needs authentication and get-users permission (as default in admin profile).
Array of:
Username: string
Name: string
Surname: string
DNI: string
Status 200: processed ok Status 400: bad request Status 403: user unauthorized Status 500: internal server error
Login with profile.
Username: string, required
Password: string, required
Profile: string, required
Possible profiles:
- admin
- driver
Status 200: logged ok