Name: Caoimhín Arnott
Video Demo:
This repository contains an implementation of the Movie Fans Web Application using the React library, named Flicker.
- Update - Extensive UI Overhaul: buttons, icons, layout, colour scheme
- New - Movies: Trending page
- New - TV: Discover, Trending & Favourites pages. List views, Detail views, Reviews, Filtering
- New - Toggle button for movies or TV mode (also modifies the Flicker title's home page link). Instant, no page loading
- New - Custom search for Movies & TV, including genres, ratings and x8 sorting options
- New - UI number select box for ratings: saves input between TV vs Movies, limited to 0-10, only numbers possible, has usable buttons
- New - Pagination, tracked independently for (movies): 1. discover 2. trending 3. upcoming and (TV): 4. discover 5. trending pages. I.e., remembers active page for all of these separately, along with search params
- New - Google OAuth sign-in & sessions
- New - Supabase persistence Favourites, Must-Watch & TV Favourites lists.
- New - Protected Routes for Favourites, Must-Watch & TV Favourites lists.
- Update - Designated favourites / Must-Watch / TV Favourites only visible and modifiable upon login, even in Discover pages (which are not protected routes)
- Update - Caching for all pages, including custom searches for Movies or TV
- New - Deployed to Vercel
Setup a .env file with the following:
For these you will need to:
- Sign up to TMDB, Supabase, and create a new Google project on
- Supabase: Create tables movieFavourites, mustWatchMovies, tvFavourites
- Supabase: turn on Realtime for all of these tables, allowing subscription, and configure access policies
getContent:${medium}?api_key=${import.meta.env.VITE_TMDB_KEY}& language=en-US&include_adult=false&include_video=false&page=${page}${sortBy}${voteAverage}${genre}
- {medium}: Movie or TV
- {page}: Pagination
- {voteAverageParam?}: Optional rating
- {genreId?}: Optional genre (different for movies vs TV)
- {sortByParam?}: Optional sorting schema
- See api functions for full implementation
getGenres:" + import.meta.env.VITE_TMDB_KEY + "&language=en-US
getTVReviews: =${id}/reviews?api_key=${import.meta.env.VITE_TMDB_KEY}
getPopularMovies =${import.meta.env.VITE_TMDB_KEY}&language=en-US&page=${page}
getTrendingTV =${import.meta.env.VITE_TMDB_KEY}&language=en-US&page=${page}
{index} -> DiscoverMoviesPage Default, Movie discover & search page
/login -> LoginPage Login
/movies/popular -> PopularMoviesPage Popular movies page
/tv -> DiscoverTVPage TV discover & search page
/tv/:id -> TVDetailsPage TV Details Page
/tv/trending -> TrendingTVPage Popular TV page
/tvreviews/:id -> TVReviewPage TV Reviews
/tvreviews/form -> AddTVReviewPage Add TV Review
/movies/favourites -> FavouriteMoviesPage Protected route: favourite movies list
/movies/mustWatch -> MustWatchMoviesPage Protected route: must-watch movies list
/tv/favourites -> FavouriteTVPage Protected route: must-watch movies list
"*" -> "/" replace Reroutes to index page & replaces history
- React Components: Freaking lots of them. The most difficult to work with was probably '@mui/base/Unstable_NumberInput', which provides the number input box that won't allow letters or numbers beyond 0-10, and has usable buttons. Has it's own component: numberInputBox. More difficult to work with as it's labelled 'Preview' on Material UI, meaning it's not fully implemented yet, and finicky.
- Persistence: Supabase
- Third party/custom APIs: Supabase
- Authentication: Google OAuth
- Material UI, used extensively, especially the sx prop, Grid, Typography & Button pages:
- Vercel deployment:
- Google OAuth (brilliant short guide btw):
- TMDB: Discover API, both Movie and TV, and several others:
- Icon source, before removing the background (transparent) and re-colouring it:
- Supabase integration: