SpotHop is a placemark-focused application, allowing creation and management of user-generated 'Spots'.
Users can sign up and log in, create and manage their own spots, and view those of other users.
Spots can include a name and description, a category, and lat/long coordinates.
Multiple images can also be uploaded (and deleted) for spots.
5-day temperature forecasts and analytics are generated for all saved spots, including dynamic graph breakdowns of spots by user or category.
Spots are automatically mapped, and maps can be filtered by category. Maps also feature weather overlays for temp, wind, pressure, snow etc.
SpotHop is hosted on Vercel:
Spothop is secured using cookies, I/O validation & sanitization, and password hashing & salting.
SpotHop's database is MongoDB, cloud-hosted on Cloud Atlas, with image hosting provided by Cloudinary.
The following environmental variables must be specified in order to reproduce this web app:
db (String - Cloud Atlas MongoDB server connection string)
cloudinary_name (String - Cloudinary credentials)
cloudinary_key (String - Cloudinary credentials)
cloudinary_secret (String - Cloudinary credentials)
cloudinary_preset (String - Cloudinary credentials)