California State University - Sacramento
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
August 2016 — December 2020
FreeCodeCamp Certifications -
Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures
California State University - Sacramento
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
August 2016 — December 2020
FreeCodeCamp Certifications -
Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures
Predicting YouTube video genres using Linear Regression and a trending YouTube videos dataset.
Jupyter Notebook
Creating a model for image processing using the Cifar-10 image set to compare with using the pre-built model "VGG16" utilizing transfer learning.
Jupyter Notebook
From a dataset of movies and it's ratings, comparisons between different groups of watchers are made utilizing Means Clustering.
Jupyter Notebook
Using DEAP, an evolutionary algorithm, and genetic programming to solve the n-queens problem.
Jupyter Notebook
Forked from RebootWithAngular/ADJ100.UI.HandsOn.H03.Starter
personal fork of lesson 3 hands-on