Some environments do not have pbcopy or xsel (default Ubuntu does). We have created a command to use arboard as a means of using the clipboard without relying on these.
It can be installed with any zsh plugin manager, or cloned and loaded with source. afterwards, add the following code to your .zshrc
bindkey '^k' copy-line-as-kill
bindkey '^y' paste-as-yank
bindkey '^[y' paste-as-yank-pop # History fuzzy search is implemented, but does not work well as yank
Enjoy an Emacs-like kill-ring experience! (The first time you install this, this is slow because of compile, but after that this is stress-free and fast).
This environment variable specifies the file that stores the kill-ring history (UNIversal Kill-Ring HISTory).
- Copy
- Paste
- Search and paste from history (incomplete)
- History