This game, like most other games, is organised in levels. You start at Level 0 and try to “beat” or “finish” it. Finishing a level results in information on how to start the next level. The pages on this website for “Level ” contain information on how to start level X from the previous level.
These wargames teach you the basics of cybersecurity through hands-on challenges (it is like an introductory capture the flag game).
First, if you know a command, but don’t know how to use it, try the manual (man page) by entering man . For example, man ls to learn about the “ls” command. The “man” command also has a manual, try it! When using man, press q to quit (you can also use / and n and N to search).
Note, I have attached 2 documents --> a pdf with all the answers and another pdf that details my working out and thought process.