PmetricsData provides datasets and examples which can be used with the Pmetrics pharmacometric modeling and simulation package. They can also be used in other relevant packages or applications.
Included are the following. Further details are included in the help for
each data item, e.g. ?NPex
- NPex - Output of a nonparametric model fit in a PM_result.
- ITex - Output of a parametric model fit in a PM_result.
- modEx - Model for absorption into central compartment in a PM_model.
- model - The saved text file version of
. - dataEx - Data based on oral rifapentine with frequent sampling in 20 adults, all formatted as PM_data.
- badData - Example of data with errors to show catch/highlight functions
- simEx - Simulation output using
and the first 4 subjects in a PM_sim.
- mic1 - Data frame with vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and counts for methicillin-resistant Staphylococccus aureus (MRSA) obtained from EUCAST.
- growth - Data on height and weight percentiles by age and sex, from CDC. Can be used in the Pmetrics qgrowth function.
- cdc_bmi, ger_bmi - Age and sex-specific BMI z-scores and percentiles from CDC or NHANES. Can be used in the Pmetrics zbmi function.
- locales - World languages and their iso693 two- and three-letter codes. Pmetrics uses these data to assist with location detection and proper date, decimal, and number separator formatting.
You can install the development version of PmetricsData from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
#> <PM_result>
#> Public:
#> auc: function (type, ...)
#> clone: function (deep = FALSE)
#> cov: PM_cov, R6
#> cycle: PM_cycle, R6
#> data: PM_data, R6
#> errfile:
#> final: NPAG, PM_final, R6
#> initialize: function (out, quiet = TRUE)
#> ITdata: NULL
#> load: function (...)
#> MM_opt: function (...)
#> model: PM_model_file, PM_model_list, PM_model, R6
#> nca: function (...)
#> NPdata: NPAG, list
#> op: PM_op, R6
#> plot: function (type, ...)
#> pop: PM_pop, R6
#> post: PM_post, R6
#> save: function (run, file)
#> sim: function (...)
#> step: function (...)
#> success: TRUE
#> summary: function (type, ...)
#> valid: PM_valid, R6
#> validate: function (...)