Admintool for (COD1, COD1:UO, COD2, COD4 & [COD4X 1.8], COD5 all patches) (65 and more chat commands in one)
New final version RCM[V.3.x.x] working in all GNU/linux systems and Windows with supporting (PHP 5.2 <= 5.3.0, PHP 7)
This version not compactible for x2.2 version update, compactible only |RCM/ReCodMod/databases/| files(ban database, and another sql bases)
Come out 6.-14.August /2016
- Support gmail email service for !report and !support
- Included rcm admintool auto update.
- New commands:
- !nextmap - showing next map
- !map - map list.
- !maprotate - load next map.
- !refresh |banlist| |top| - update banlist or top for website (banlist and top autoupdate between 10 minutes)
- !update - manual RCM - ReCodMod admintool manual update.
- !reload - manual RCM ADMINTOOL restart after update if chat commands not work.
- !rules - server rules list.
- !date or !time - your date and time , time zone display
- !kickall - kick all players
- !killserver - off server
- !logout - out from your group to user group.
- !banall - ban all players
- !lastban - dispplay last banned player
- !banlist mb - banlist weight (megabytes)
- !login -password- or !log -password-
- !stop -msg- | -autokick- | -autoban- | -stats- | -geo- |
- !run -msg- | -autokick- | -autoban- | -stats- | -geo- |
- New geo welcome database
- Manual ip adreses inserting for admins control. in cfg/_groups.php
- Fixed chat gametype, ban, kick and map vote plugins!
- New graphic FUN messages
- Fixed game log file searching
- Easy install, more install help messages.
- RSS news from any website in game chat (new for message rotation)
- Changed message rotation
- Fixed stats loading
- Fixed bugs for stats reading.
- Full cod4x 1.7b and 1.8 admincontrol support.
- !getss - all players screenshots
- New log files archive.
- Full support with cod1 1.1 codextended(chatcommands)
- Fix !list for cod1 1.1 (numbers in nickname end)
- RCM admintool configuration control from game chat.
- More auto answers.
- and more....
#What it has!
- Full administrator server control with chat commands.
- Report and support commands system, players can sent messages from game chat to Admin @mail.
- Ip ban tool (Example:, or range with 111.111.111.* or 111.111..
- Ban tool with ban reasons, temp ban and more!
- Banlist !banlist
- UNban list!
- Messages rotation plugin with server statistics!
- FULL Admin control with !rc command (!rc = /rcon)
- Make players screnshots with !getss (Anticheat server or cod4x support)
- Geo welcome messages with player city.
- Anonymous ip auto kicker
- Blaclisted proxy ip adress kick
- Bad nicknames auto kicker
- Bad words auto kicker
- Chat flood auto kicker
- Fast SQLite3 database
- Players MULTI STATS SYSTEM: Kills, Deaths, Ratio, Rank, Headshots, Suicides Skill and top places
- Permissions 12 group system: Admin, Vip, Clan Member, Member, Noob...and more (!status chat command)
- Log system, automatic logfilepath with chat, voting, player cheat alerts, chat flood logs and help chat logs.
- Server system info getting !sysinfo
- web plugin, stats, server info, chat.
- Mapvote
- Kick vote
- Ban vote
- Fun messages
- So many another plugins....
#1st STEP (only for cod1 1.1)
We need to make a couple of changes in cod1 1.1 bugged version game_mp_x86.dll (windows) and (linux). In another version non changes.
In fact changed : to ;
Find line say: %s: %s change to say; %s; %s
Find line sayteam: %s: %s change to sayteam; %s; %s
or download it (need register) from
and replace in your server
#2nd STEP (for all call of duty versions) In your game server/main or mod folder config file add (example: in dedicated.cfg)
- seta g_log "games_mp.log"
- set g_logsync "1"
You can check in rcontool with command g_log and g_logsync
Download last day update, unarchive .zip and replace your old files with new files! (example: RCM Update [June 27, 2016].zip)
#For windows need download and unarchive this archive RCM-Admintool-WINDOWS.exe
#Need edit all_connection.php for RCM AdminMod working //Edit first this file for working
Edit this file from cfg/_connection.php
Important factor FOR $mplogfile line!
Example for windows with double slash: $mplogfile = "c:\\servers\\cod1\\cod1.1\\main\\games_mp.log"
//Another two you can edit later
all_settings.php and all_groups_control.php
Press this file -> go.bat
#Install needed php7.0 or 5 and up and modules for it( if you install php5 replace in command line php7.0 to php5)
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php7.0
sudo apt-get install php7.0-sqlite3
sudo apt-get install php7.0-curl
sudo apt-get install php7.0-mbstring
cd /tmp
sudo wget
sudo mkdir /opt/rcm/myserver
sudo apt-get install unzip
#Unpack to folder sudo unzip -d /tmp/
#go to unarchived folder cd /tmp/ReCodMod-RCM-Admintool-master/
#rename RCM folder to your (myserver) name without symbols - example: NexonRifles sudo mv RCM myserver
#Check your renamed folder, if all ok, you can see and yOur renamed folder ls
sudo cp -a myserver /opt/rcm/
cd /opt/rcm/myserver/cfg/
#Need edit all_connection.php for RCM AdminMod working //Edit first this file for working
sudo nano all_connection.php
//Another two you can edit later
sudo nano all_settings.php
sudo nano _groups.php
cd /opt/rcm/myserver/
sudo sh
cd /opt/rcm/myserver/
sudo sh
- Stats System commands!
!stats - Your stats.
!n - Player stats (Sample: !n 3 - where 3 is player id.
!sk - Self skill stats. Or !sk player nick - Sample - !sk [MCclan]Destroyer.
!top - top 5 players. Or. !top 34 - where 34, is for search who player has 34 place on top, or !top - for top5
!toprank - top skill rank 5 players +New
!rank - top 5 rank +New
!kills - top 5 kills
!bash - top 5 mellee killers +New
!heads - top 5 headshot killers +New
!grenades - top 5 grenade killers +New
!suicides - top 5 suicides +New
!worst - worst top players.
- Another commands
!cmd or !help - Command list.
!fun - fun messages list.
!num - player list with id numbers.
!kick - Kick self
!status - Your permissions :)
!geo - your geo information. Or !geo id - Sample - !geo 5
!info - recodmod information.
!help - help list, or command list.
!admin - admin information.
!ip - your ip
!time - server time, or player time.
!b - vote for player ban (sample: !b 3 - where 3 is player id.
!k - vote for player kick (sample: !k 3 - where 3 is player id.
!xmap map - mapvote (sample: !xmap harbor - where harbor is map.)
!support - support message for server administaror(s) (example: !support I want contact with you admin, my fc is kvjvsnjfs)
!report - report (for cheaters, glitches message for server administaror(s) (example: !report Bombox use aimbot, please ban him)
- Update [June 26, 2016] - register & sysinfo
!register - players register for faster stats update and for chat anti flood ;)
!sys - server CPU , OS and more information (more information for linux) for WIN showing only one line.
- Admin commands
!map mapname (mapname - harbor carentan pavlov depot brecourt abbey standoff logging brecourt railyard ship hurtgen)
!gt gametype (gametype - osd sd tdm gun dm htf actf hq fsd rsd 4tdm ctf)
!restart - (gametype and map restart )
!list - Player list, all information about players on server.
!all - Player list, with id and status.
!status -For admin control need status Admin
!rc - control server with rcon commands (Sample: !rc g_speed 800 ,or !rc g_allowvote...and anothers)
!range ip_adress reason(SAMPLE: !range 111.222 wallhack - where player ip_adress is a 111.222.333.444 - but add 111.222) - range banned list dosn't showing in !banlist, it's hide in database only.
!ban id reason (SAMPLE: !ban 3 WallHack - where 3 is player id and WallHack is a reason for ban)
!tban id time - (SAMPLE: !tban 3 15 - where 3 is player id and 15 is a tempban time in minutes)
!kick id (SAMPLE: !kick 3 - where 3 is player id for kick player)
!unban nick (nick - unban player)
!unban id* - (id* - special player indificator number from !banlist sample: !unban 2
!banlist - Banned last 10 players list - (if unban - sample: !unban 12, when 12 is number from banlist)
!ulist - Unbanned last 10 player list
- Update [June 26, 2016] - getss
!getss - (example: !getss 5 - where 5 is player id)make and save player screenshot (Support only Punkbuster, Alba anticheat, COD4X 1.8 patch and another anticheat servers)
- Update [June 27, 2016] - delete ,
!delete x - delete player from stats top system (x - where is player place from !top)
!delete alladmins - reset all admins from database
!delete allstats - reset all players stats from database
!delete allbans - reset all players from ban database
- Update [July 10, 2016] - !on for login, and /tell for hide your command from another players [DONT WORK IN COD1 1.1patch] IN cfg/_groups.php $admin_code add your think up password
!on |your code password| - for login - (example: !on mysecurepassword) [WORK IN ALL PATCHES AND VERSIONS, but do not use, when players playing in server]
/tell |your id| !on |your code password| - for login - (example: get your id with !num, than /tell 5 !on mysecurepassword) [DONT WORK IN COD1 1.1patch]
/tell |your id| |your command| - USE IT FROM CONSOLE (~)! for hide from another players your commands (example: get your id with !num, than /tell 5 !banlist , or /tell 5 !list, or /tell 5 !cmd, or /tell 5 !ban 10 Wallhack , etc.) [DONT WORK IN COD1 1.1patch]
/tell |your id| |your command| - USE IT FROM CONSOLE (~)! for hide from another players your commands (example: get your id with !num, than /tell 5 !banlist , or /tell 5 !list, or /tell 5 !cmd, or /tell 5 !ban 10 Wallhack , etc.) [DONT WORK IN COD1 1.1patch]
- Update [July 28, 2016] - !on for !login for login (in _groups.php) support ip adress and guids.
!on / !login / !register
- Update [July 30, 2016] - Refresh top list and ban list in game and for website + in the logs.
!refresh top - refresh top
!refresh banlist - refresh with new ban for website log - banlist.html
- Update [August 7, 2016] - Screenshots for COD4X. and more
!getss - making all players screenshots
!kickall - kick all players
!reload - restart RCM adminmod
!lastban - last banned player!
New fun messages - gj, shit, wp, n1.
!rules - server rules
!logout - logout from your group.
!update - download last update in (ReCodMod/x_update folder) for update need unarchive and replace files from archive.
!nextamp - Show next map
In x_logs folder after install and few days work, you can find chat, stats.... logs in html format, you can use it for website.