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Lenny BontenakelLenny Bontenakel
Lenny Bontenakel
Lenny Bontenakel
Jan 12, 2023
82a5d70 · Jan 12, 2023


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Jan 12, 2023
Jan 12, 2023
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Blueprint POC AI

Table of Content


This project lays out the architecture of the ML2Grow AI project. This project was instantiated in order to leverage the power of AI in current and future LBLOD projects. This blueprint was meant to lay bare this architecture to make potential improvements apparent. [...]

SparQL Prefixes

Throughout this document we will make use of prefixes in order to abbreviate some links that will occur, to make this more readable.
These prefixes are explained here:

Prefix Full link


The project uses multiple models throughout the project to achieve various functionalities. These models and their functionalities will be listed out here. [...]

NER - Named Entity Recognition

NER is used to recognize various entities within sentences. For example, using the sentence "I love Berlin.", the model will recognize that Berlin is most likely a location. This can be useful for tagging entities within sentences. So these can be used for linking to related topics and such. [...]


BERTopic is used for identifying topics within a certain article. For example, [...].


This models links an embedding vector to a document based on its content. This vector can later be used to perform elastic search.


This model will be used to perform classifications on BBC Topics. These BBC topics are a way of classifying documents based on the content and matter addressed in the document.

Apache Airflow architecture

Apache Airflow is a framework used to deploy Big Data Networks that can be used amongst multiple projects. There are certain containers that contain various scripts that can be run from CLI. These scripts perform various important tasks such as saving and loading models or data. [...]

DAGs - Directed Acyclic Graphs

DAGs [...]
DAGS configure the containers that run the various tasks of the project.


ner tasks

Link to the repository containing the scripts During these tasks. We first load the NER model. Then we perform NER related stuff.

  1. Load
    During this script we load the data from the triplestore and export it to a json file. This file can then later be used to perform transformations. This script loads following query

        PREFIX prov: <>
        PREFIX dct: <>
        PREFIX soic: <>
        PREFIX ext: <>
        SELECT DISTINCT ?thing ?text WHERE {
            ?thing a <>; 
            prov:generated/dct:hasPart ?part.    
            ?part soic:content ?text.  
            FILTER NOT EXISTS {  ?thing ext:ingestedml2GrowSmartRegulationsNer "1" }
  2. NER
    Afterwards we use the data to run the NER model on. The data gets processed and the results are written to a json file on disk.

  3. Save
    Finally the results are persisted in the triplestore. The results are saved in the triplestore like this.


    Predicate Description
    rdf:type A constant value being ext:Ner. Representing the type of the subject.
    ext:start The start position of the word. Relative to [...].
    ext:end The end position of the word. Relative to [...].
    ext:word The word that was guessed on by the AI model.
    ext:entity Can be either "Location", "Person" or "Organization". This is the value guessed by the AI model.

    Additionally we also add a predicate to the file that was used to generate the NER with.

    Predicate Description
    ext:hasNer A link to the NER associated with the document. A document can relate to many NERs.
    ext:ingestedml2GrowSmartRegulationsNer Tag indicating it has already been ingested for future runs of the model.

BERTopic Retrain

BERTopic Retrain

Link to the repository containing the scripts

  1. Load Script that loads the following query.

        PREFIX prov: <> 
        PREFIX dct: <>  
        PREFIX soic: <>  
        PREFIX ext: <>  
        SELECT DISTINCT ?thing ?part ?text WHERE {
            ?thing a <>; 
            prov:generated/dct:hasPart ?part.    
            ?part soic:content ?text.  
  2. Retrain & Save

  3. Restart

  4. Transform

  5. Save

    1. Transform


      Predicate Description
      ext:HasTopic URI to the linked topic.
      ext:ingestedByMl2GrowSmartRegulationsTopics Tag indicating it has been ingested by a ML2Grow model.
      Predicate Description
      rdf:type TopicScore
      ext:TopicURI URI to the linked topic
      ext:score score of the linked topic
    2. Topics


      Predicate Description
      rdf:type isTopic
      ext:relevant_words The relevant words found by the model. A Topic can have multiple relevant words.
      ext:count The count of [...]
      ext:topic_label The label of the topic

BERTopic Transform

BERTopic Transform

Link to the repository containing these scripts

  1. Load
    Initiates the task by loading data from the triplestore.

        PREFIX prov: <> 
        PREFIX dct: <>  
        PREFIX soic: <>  
        PREFIX ext: <>  
        SELECT DISTINCT ?thing ?part ?text WHERE {
            ?thing a <>; 
            prov:generated/dct:hasPart ?part.    
            ?part soic:content ?text.  
  2. Transform

  3. Save This script saves the same data as the number 3.1 of the previous section. `1


embed tasks

Link to the repository containing the scripts

  1. Load

        PREFIX prov: <>
        PREFIX dct: <>
        PREFIX soic: <>
        PREFIX ext: <>
        SELECT DISTINCT ?thing ?text WHERE {
            ?thing a <>;
            prov:generated/dct:hasPart ?part.    
            ?part soic:content ?text.  
            FILTER NOT EXISTS {  ?thing ext:ingestedByMl2GrowSmartRegulationsEmbedding "1" }
  2. Embed

  3. Save


    Predicate Description
    ext:searchEmbedding Embedding Vector linked to the file.
    ext:ingestedByMl2GrowSmartRegulationsEmbedding Tag indicating it has been ingested by a ML2Grow model.


zeroshot tasks

Link to the repository containing the scripts

  1. Load

    1. Zeroshot

          PREFIX prov: <>
          PREFIX dct: <>
          PREFIX soic: <>
          PREFIX ext: <>
          SELECT DISTINCT ?thing ?text WHERE {
              ?thing a <>; 
              prov:generated/dct:hasPart ?part.    
              ?part soic:content ?text.  
              FILTER NOT EXISTS {  ?thing ext:ingestedMl2GrowSmartRegulationsBBC "1" }
    2. Taxonomy

          PREFIX ext: <>
          SELECT ?nl WHERE {
              <> ?o ?taxo.
              ?taxo ext:nl_taxonomy ?nl
  2. ZS_BBC

  3. Save


    Predicate Description
    rdf:type One of many values
    ext:score Score of the models prediction


    Predicate Description
    ext:BBC_scoring Link to the BBC Scoring instance. A document can have multiple of these instances.
    ext:ingestedMl2GrowSmartRegulationsBBC Tag indicating it has been ingested by the zeroshot model.

Data Flow Diagrams

The Data Flow in the project goes a little like this. [...]

Triplestore Mapping

SparQL triplestores are used for persisting most data. Though through Airflow there are also mentions of postgreSQL. The use of PostgreSQL can be an inconvenience for the purpose of linking this project to other LBLOD projects. [...]




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