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The GUI-based tool is also avalable as executables. Here you can find session types examples and executables for:

  • OSx (download macOS.dmg and drag the tool into the Applications folder and double click on the dragged application).
  • Windows (download, unzip it and double click on Launcher.lnk in the main unzipped directory).

Executable and Source Code Version Requirements:

You will need Graphviz (dot) installed on your machine with the dot command path inserted in your PATH variable to generate graphs:

  • Here you can find Graphviz for Windows
  • To install Graphviz for OSx you need a package manager. You can use Homebrew and install Graphiz with brew install graphviz
  • The dot command has to be in your PATH.
  • Your Graphviz installation should support different formats: png, jpeg, pdf, svg. You can check this executing dot -v. If you find out that your installation does not support the aforementioned formats, execute dot -c

Make sure that the downloaded version of Graphviz is actually under execution: dot -v must print the correct version when executed (if needed put the Graphviz path at the beginning of the system PATH variable)

Source Code Usage:


Besides the aforementioned requirements, to use the source code version you will need:

  • Python (3.X version)
  • Ghc
  • Depending on your setup, you might need to install extra Python packages (Python's complaints will help you figure these out and you can install them).
  • Depending on your setup, you might need to install extra Haskell packages (GHC's complaints will help you figure these out and you can install them with cabal).

Compiling Haskell sources:

Here, we assume that you have a terminal open and that you are in one of the folders containing Haskell source code in session-type-utilities subdirectories (do the same for all algorithms, type viewer and type parser)

Compile Algorithms:

  • Run: ghc Checker

Compile Type Viewer:

  • Run: ghc Viewer

Compile Type Parser:

  • Run: ghc Main

Then, move the generated executable inside proper folders:

  • Move asynchronous subtyping algorithm executable to asynchronous-subtyping/your OS
  • Move fair asynchronous subtyping algorithm executable to fair-asynchronous-subtyping/your OS
  • Move synchronous subtyping algorithm executable to sync_subtyping/your OS
  • Move type viewer executable to viewer/your OS
  • Move type parser executable to parser/your OS

Run the Application:

Here, we assume that you have a terminal open and that you are in the root of the project.

  • Run: python

Original Algorithm Repositories: