a leading environmental consulting firm, aims to develop a RESTful API to facilitate file data processing for their clients. The API will enable clients to upload text files containing environmental data for analysis and retrieve processed results through simple API requests and save the data in the database. As a software developer tasked with building this API, you need to design and implement a solution that meets the requirements outlined by Enviro365.
This endpoint handles file uploads. It accepts a multipart file as input and processes it accordingly. Upon successful upload, it returns a success message. If there are any errors during the upload process, appropriate error messages are returned.
1.POST http://localhost:8082/api/upload
Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:8082/api/upload
Request Body:
file (multipart): The file to be uploaded.
Success Response (200 OK):
Body: "File uploaded successfully."
Description: Indicates that the file was uploaded successfully.
Error Responses:
Internal Server Error (500):
Body: "Failed to process the uploaded file."
Description: Indicates that there was an internal server error while processing the uploaded file.
Bad Request (400):
Body: (Only text files (.txt) are supported.)
Description: Indicates that there was a bad request,in cases of invalid file format.
This endpoint retrieves all environmental data stored in the system. It returns a list of EnvironmentalData objects. If there are no data available, it returns a 204 (NO_CONTENT) response. In case of any errors during the data retrieval process, it returns a 500 (INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) response.
2.GET http://localhost:8082/api/getAllData
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8082/api/getAllData
Success Responses:
200 OK:
Body: A JSON array containing a list of EnvironmentalData objects.
Description: Returns the list of environmental data.
Error Responses:
Body: (1)
Description: Body returns 1 if there is no conent , else it returns the list of environmental .
Body: (No content)
Description: Indicates that there was an internal server error while retrieving the data.
This endpoint retrieves environmental data based on the provided ID. It returns the EnvironmentalData object corresponding to the specified ID if found. If no data is found for the given ID, it returns a 404 (NOT_FOUND) response. In case of any errors during the data retrieval process, it returns a 500 (INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) response.
3.GET http://localhost:8082/api/getById/1
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8082/api/getById/{id}
{id}: The unique identifier of the environmental data to be retrieved.
id (path variable): The unique identifier of the environmental data.
Success Response (200 OK):
Body: The JSON representation of the retrieved EnvironmentalData object.
Description: Returns the environmental data corresponding to the provided ID.
Error Responses:
Body: "Data not found for id: {id}"
Description: Indicates that no data was found for the provided ID.
Body: (No content)
Description: Indicates that there was an internal server error while retrieving the data.