We made new library in Kotlin to resolve the issues in this library. We recommend to use it : KotlinPhoenixChannel
JavaPhoenixChannels is a Java and Android client library for the Channels API in the Phoenix Framework. Its primary purpose is to ease development of real time messaging apps for Android using an Elixir/Phoenix backend. For more about the Elixir language and the massively scalable and reliable systems you can build with Phoenix, see http://elixir-lang.org and http://www.phoenixframework.org.
- Add
as a Maven repository - Add JavaPhoenixChannels as an app dependency:
dependencies {
compile('com.github.eoinsha:JavaPhoenixChannels:0.2') {
exclude module: 'groovy-all'
- For Maven or Gradle-specific instructions detailing how this is done, see the "SET ME UP" section on https://bintray.com/javaphoenixchannels/java-phoenix-channels/JavaPhoenixChannels and choose "Resolving artifacts..."
For a full sample Android chat app, check out the repository at https://github.com/eoinsha/PhoenixChatAndroid
The quick examples below are used with the Phoenix Chat Example
import org.phoenixframework.channels.*
def socket = new Socket('ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket')
def chan = socket.chan()
chan.join("rooms:lobby", null)
.receive("ignore", { -> println "IGNORE"})
.receive("ok", { envelope -> println "JOINED with $envelope" })
chan.on('new:msg', { -> println "NEW MESSAGE: $envelope"})
import org.phoenixframework.channels.*;
Socket socket;
Channel channel;
socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket");
channel = socket.chan("rooms:lobby", null);
.receive("ignore", new IMessageCallback() {
public void onMessage(Envelope envelope) {
.receive("ok", new IMessageCallback() {
public void onMessage(Envelope envelope) {
System.out.println("JOINED with " + envelope.toString());
channel.on("new:msg", new IMessageCallback() {
public void onMessage(Envelope envelope) {
System.out.println("NEW MESSAGE: " + envelope.toString());
channel.on(ChannelEvent.CLOSE.getPhxEvent(), new IMessageCallback() {
public void onMessage(Envelope envelope) {
System.out.println("CLOSED: " + envelope.toString());
channel.on(ChannelEvent.ERROR.getPhxEvent(), new IMessageCallback() {
public void onMessage(Envelope envelope) {
System.out.println("ERROR: " + envelope.toString());
//Sending a message. This library uses Jackson for JSON serialization
ObjectNode node = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance)
.put("user", "my_username")
.put("body", message);
channel.push("new:msg", node);
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